Weimar Germany Timeline

  • German Revolution and Kaiser Wilhelm II Abdicates

    German Revolution and Kaiser Wilhelm II Abdicates
    The image shows the Kaiser fleeing from his duties after the Revolution.
  • Formation of Weimar republic/constitution

    Formation of Weimar republic/constitution
    The image shows what the German politicians were hoping would come out of the new republic.
  • Ebert Groener Pact

    Ebert Groener Pact
    The image shows Ebert and Groener and how they felt about the pact
  • Armistice ending WWI

    Armistice ending WWI
    The image shows Germany being held at gun point for the armistice
  • Spartacist revolt

    Spartacist revolt
    The image shows a newspaper from the time of the revolt and what happened to the leaders
  • Bavarian soviet Republic

    Bavarian soviet Republic
    The picture shows what areas tried to revolt in Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The image shows how Germany felt about the peace terms from Versailles, how it felt forced and unfair.
  • (Red) Ruhr Uprising

    (Red) Ruhr Uprising
    This photo shows members of the Reichswehr laying over members of the Ruhr Army -at some point in April of 1920- that they've killed in the bloody uprising.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    The image is a real photo from the Kapp Putsch showing how strong the military was.
  • Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium

    Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium
    This photo shows a french soldier standing in a train car of resources whilst he is in the Ruhr. The main reason that France and Germany invaded the Ruhr was that Germany missed a reparation payment of resources, which is why this photo is significant.
  • Rapallo Treaty

    Rapallo Treaty
    This photo shows the masterminds behind the Rapallo Pact after the treaty had been signed. A few people included are Joseph Wirth, and Georgi Chicherin, who were the Chancellor of Germany and the Russian foreign minister respectively.
  • Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923

    Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923
    This photo shows a German banker counting stacks of money that have been printed. Because of the large amount of money in circulation, the value of the currency dropped incredibly, leading to a state of hyperinflation in the whole country.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    This photograph shows scores of NSDAP members marching in line in the city of Munich. This march, however, was poorly organized and ultimately led to Hitler's imprisonment - albeit for one year out of the whole fivec year sentence -.
  • Introduction of the Rentenmark

    Introduction of the Rentenmark
    This photo shows a bill of a Rentenmark which was established by Gustav Stresemann and tied to the value of gold, making it far more valuable than the previous mark which was essentially worthless.
  • Weimar Golden Age

    Weimar Golden Age
    This photo shows the extravagant culture of German citizens during the years 1924-1929. Life significantly improved for many people during these years, and entertainment and fashion boomed in popularity.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    This is a portrait of Charles Dawes, who headed the committee in charge of organizing the logistics of the reparations to be paid by Germany, and who the Dawes plan is named after.
  • Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    I chose this image because it shows the leaders of the Grand Coalition.
  • Election of President von Hindenburg

    Election of President von Hindenburg
    I chose this image because it is a primary source that shows HIndenburg being elected, how many people voted for him, and how some reacted to his election.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    I chose this image because it is a primary photo of the actual area where the Locarno Treaty was thought of and signed.
  • Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union
    I chose this image because it shows everyone that was present when the Treaty of Berlin was signed.
  • German entrance into League of Nations

    German entrance into League of Nations
    I chose this image because it shows Germany official being elected into the LoN, a statement from Germany about them being allowed to join, and the reaction from a country of Germany being allowed into the LoN.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    I chose this image because it shows the committee who created and signed the official Young Plan.
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    I chose this image because although this is an image of unemployment in the USA, it can also be used to symbolized the unemployment around the world.
  • Von Papen’s deal with Hitler

    Von Papen’s deal with Hitler
    I chose this image of Von Papen and Adolf Hitler being close because, since there are no official images of Von Papen and Hitler's secret meeting, this image can symbolize the relationship between the two.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    I chose this image because it shows Hitler shaking the hand of President Hindenburg as he is being elected Chancellor of Germany.