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Weimar Germany Timeline

  • German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II Resigns:

    German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II Resigns:
    The German Revolution began on November 3, 1918, and culminated with Kaiser Wilhelm II's abdication on November 9, 1918.
    Picture of germans revolting
  • Ebert-Groener Pact:

    Ebert-Groener Pact:
    The Ebert-Groener Pact was an agreement made on November 10, 1918, between Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, and General Wilhelm Groener.
  • Armistice Ending World War I:

    Armistice Ending World War I:
    The armistice that ended World War I was signed on November 11, 1918. Picture of news article
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic:

    Bavarian Soviet Republic:
    Flag of the republic. The Bavarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed on April 6, 1919, and was suppressed by early May 1919.
  • Spartacist Revolt:

    Spartacist Revolt:
    Soldiers on the Brandenburg Gate during the Spartacist uprising. The Spartacist Revolt took place from January 5 to January 12, 1919.
  • Treaty of Versailles and the Results for Germany:

    Treaty of Versailles and the Results for Germany:
    Picture of leaders that created the treaty. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, and it imposed heavy reparations and territorial losses on Germany.
  • Formation of the Weimar Republic/Constitution:

    Formation of the Weimar Republic/Constitution:
    The Weimar Constitution in booklet form. Article 148 of the Constitution required that each school student receive a copy of the Constitution at the time of their graduation. The Weimar Republic was officially established with the adoption of the Weimar Constitution on August 11, 1919.
  • Kapp Putsch:

    Kapp Putsch:
    Marinebrigade Ehrhardt entering Berlin during the Putsch. The Kapp Putsch occurred from March 13 to March 17, 1920.
  • (Red) Ruhr Uprising:

    (Red) Ruhr Uprising:
    Members of the Ruhr Red Army in Dortmund The Red Ruhr Uprising took place from March 13 to April 2, 1920.
  • Rapallo Treaty:

     Rapallo Treaty:
    The Treaty of Rapallo between Germany and Soviet Russia was signed on April 16, 1922.
  • Hyperinflation Crisis:

    Hyperinflation Crisis:
    The hyperinflation crisis in Germany peaked in late 1923, picture of german man with stacks of money that lacks value
  • Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium:

    Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium:
    The occupation of the Ruhr began on January 11, 1923.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The image is of the people that ran the Beer Hall Putsch which represents the event.
  • Introduction of Rentenmark

    Introduction of Rentenmark
    The image is of gold which represents the event because the Rentenmark was backed by gold.
  • Weimar Golden Age

    Weimar Golden Age
    An image of Gustav Stresemann represents this event because he was the main reason for the Golden Age.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    An image of Charles Dawes represents the Dawes Plan because he worked on the plan.
  • Election of President von Hindenburg

    Election of President von Hindenburg
    An image of Hindenburg meant to represent the election of Hindenburg.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    The Locarno Treaty happened in Locarno so a image of Locarno represents the Treaty.
  • Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union
    This imadge repesents neutrality which was part of the pact with the soviet union.
  • German entrance into League of Nations

    German entrance into League of Nations
    Image of the logo of the League represents Germany entering the League.
  • Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    Image of members of the cabinet of the Grand Coalition.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    Image of Owen Young who was the head of the Young commission.
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    Graph meant to represent the economy at the time.
  • Von Papen’s deal with Hitler

    Von Papen’s deal with Hitler
    A image of an handshake meant to represent the deal that they made.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler and Hindenburg shaking hand represents how Hindenburg but Hitler into power.