Weimar Germany

By JonahV
  • German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns

    German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns
    The German revolution was seen as a civil conflict resulted in the replacement of the German federal constitutional monarchy. As a result of the civil unrest, Kaiser Wilhelm was forced to abdicate his throne. This picture depicts the people of Germany to be full of unrest with chaos brewing.
  • Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution

    Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution
    The Republic was proclaimed by Social Democratic leadership. The city of Weimar was seen as a safe place to draft a new Constitution, signed on August 11, 1919. The picture here depicts the federal eagle being the symbol for the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • Ebert-Groener Pact

    Ebert-Groener Pact
    Agreement between Friedrich Ebert, the Chancellor of Germany, and Wilhelm Groener, General of the German Army. Recognising the weakness of his government, Ebert sought the backing of the army. The picture here depicts an exchange between ebert and groener discussing militaristic needs.
  • Armistice ending WWI

    Armistice ending WWI
    Armistice on the Western Front signed between the allies and Germany ending the land, sea and air warfare. The armstice was seen as the fastest way to end the war's misery. The picture here depicts the impact of the armistice as the ending of the war brings joy to the people.
  • Sparticist Revolt

    Sparticist Revolt
    Left-wing uprising designed to establish a communist state in Germany and destroy the Weimar Republic. The revolt had failed due to military intervention from the Freikorps units, mobilised to defend the government. The picture here depicts the protest by the workers with the military interventiion soon to occur.
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic

    Bavarian Soviet Republic
    Located in Bavaria, the workers council republic was an unrecognised socialist state during the German Revolution. Created after demist of Kurt Eisner's People's State of Bavaria. The picture here depicts the revolution occuring throughout society.
  • Treaty of Versailles and the results for Germany

    Treaty of Versailles and the results for Germany
    Germany lost 10% of land, all overseas colonies, 12.5% of population, 16% of coal and 48% of iron industry. Also, Germany was to accept blame for the war, limit their armed forces to 100,000 troops and pay reparations of 132 billion gold marks. This New York Herald cartoon shows the terms being delivered to Germany. This best represents Germany’s reaction to the TOV because it conveys the great shock that Germany felt when presented with the terms of this dictated treaty.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    A coup that attempted to overthrow the SPD led by the Freikorps and back by right winged nationalist sand some army officers. The attempt failed after it was held back due to public opposition along with misjudgment and division. This photo from Getty images shows Wolfgang Kapp. This best represents the Kapp Putsch because Kapp failed to anticipate the lack of support he would get so when the When the coup d'état failed Kapp fled to Sweden.
  • (Red) Ruhr Uprising

    (Red) Ruhr Uprising
    A communist worker strike, the largest in the nation's history, was started in response to the Kapp Putsch. The Red Army was successful until their disorganized leadership led them to be put down in April 1920. This photo from Alamy shows an inspection of workers in the Red Ruhr Army. This best represents the Ruhr Uprising because when the government sent the army and freikorps to stop the risings over 1,000 workers and 250 police were killed.
  • Rapallo Treaty

    Rapallo Treaty
    An agreement between Germany and Soviet Russia which removed all claims against each other and started diplomatic relations between them. This picture shows a deal being made under the table. This best represents the Rapallo Treaty because the secret clause gave German troops the opportunity to train with heavy weapons in soviet territory which was forbidden by the Versailles Treaty.
  • Weimar Golden Age

    Weimar Golden Age
    1923-1929 when economy boomed and cultural life flourished in Germany. Germany was saved by Gustav Stresemann and Charles Dawes. The picture represents the Weimar golden age by showing a speech being given.
  • Hyperinflation Crisis

    Hyperinflation Crisis
    The rapid devaluation of the German Mark due to the excess printing of money by the government to pay off the workers and loans. By November 1923, one dollar equal was equal to one trillion Marks.This picture from Getty Images shows German children building a pyramid out of the inflated currency which best represents the Hyperinflation crisis because it paints a clear picture of just how worthless the German Mark became by 1923.
  • Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium

    Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium
    France and Belgium invaded the industrial Ruhr region due to Germany's lack of reparation payments as mandated by the TOV. This led to Weimar paying its workers to strike to prevent French and Belgium from profiting. This photo from Alpha History shows a French Solider guarding a shipment of coal in Ruhr. This represents the Ruhr Occupation because it led to shortages in goods and raw materials that devastated the economy which eventually led to the collapse of the German currency.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    A failed coup d'état by the leader of the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff, and other Kampfbund in Munich in November 1923. The picture represents the beer hall putsch, with a large crowd listening to the speech.
  • Introduction of Rentenmark

    Introduction of Rentenmark
    A new currency, introduced November 20, 1923 in strictly quantities. Back by mortgage on the entire agricultural and industrial resources of the country. The picture represents an image of the document of the Rentenmark.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Plan proposed by Dawes Committee that resolved the issue of WWI reparations that Germany had to pay. Ended a crisis in European diplomacy following WWI and Treaty of Versailles. The picture represents the plan and relationships of the Dawes Plan between USA, Germany, France.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    Treaty that guaranteed Germany's western frontier and the bordering states of France, Germany, and Belgium pledged to treat as inviolable. The picture represents the signing of the treaty between France, Germany, and Belgium.
  • German Entrance into league of Nations

    German Entrance into league of Nations
    Germany joined in 1926 and remained a member until Adolf Hitler withdrew the country from the League in 1933. The picture represents a newspaper stating Germanys entrance to the League of Nations.
  • Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union
    A treaty signed April 24, 1926 under Germany and the Soviet Union pledged neutrality in the event of an attack on the other by a third party for five years. The picture represents the signing of the treaty of Berlin with the Soviet Union.
  • The Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    The Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    Ending in 1930, the Grand Coalition was the joining of 4 major German political parties and marked the return of the SDP to German politics. It allowed for a moderate government. The image displays the cabinet of the the Grand Coalition
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    Ending in 1939, the Great Depression was caused primarily by the US stock market crash which resulted in a ripple effect of economic disaster across the industrial world. For Europe, reparations post WW1 were impossible to navigate, and global trade nearly halted. The Nazis took advantage of this to criticize the liberal government The image symbolizes the situation by displaying the failing economic situation of the world at the time.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    The Young Plan was an effort to reduce German reparations, reduce foreign market control on the German economy, and establish an international bank. While the plan failed due to the Great Depression and lack of resources worldwide, it represented a shift in US priorities in which they reinserted themselves into European politics after trying to create distance. The image represents how the U.S. tried to gain greater involvement in Europe by reducing German reperations.
  • Election of President Von Hindenburg

    Election of President Von Hindenburg
    Mar 13, 1932 was the start date with a runoff on April 10, and Von Hindenburg won a second seven year term against Adolf Hitler of the NSDAP. The picture represents President Von Hindenburg.
  • Von Papen's Deal with Hitler

    Von Papen's Deal with Hitler
    Von Papen agreed with Hitler to convince Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor as long as Hitler followed everything Von Papen told him. Hitler later betrayed Von Papen and took over. The image symbolizes the betrayal of Hitler with Von Papen
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler utilized his wit and political connections to rise through the ranks and eventually achieve Chancellorship. The image symbolizes how Hitler position rose in position.