Jackie Robinson enters the MLB
robinson was the first black man to enter the major league of baseball. -
US signs agreement to end war.
US signed an agreement that ended the cold war -
French Defeated at Dien Bien Phu
First french Indochia war -
Brown vs BOE
a Black girl had to walk over a mile to go to a black school when she wasnt allowed to go to a white school near her. -
Period: to
civil rights
Geneva Accords
An agreement between cambodia, the democractic republic of vietnam -
Emmit Till Killed
till was pistoled whip and placed in the bed of the pickup truck and covered with a tarpaulin when found. -
Rosa Parks arrested
was arrsted for not giving her seat up on a bus to a white man -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
people were boycotting about where they had to sit on the bus if could sit on the bus. -
SCLC Founded
the president was MLK JR -
Freedom Riders
people who rode on interstate sergegated buses for civil rights -
James Meridith enters Ol Miss University
the first colored person to enter miss. college -
"I Have a Dream Speech"
The speech gave people hope for civil rights and opened peoples views on sergeation. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
outlawed sergation of color, race, regilion, sex and natural orgin -
Gulf of Tonkin incident
The Maddox was under attack from 3 north Vietnamese -
Operation Rolling Thunder
An bombing campaign conducted against the democractic republic of vietnam. an campaign under president Johnson. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
giving voting rights to blacks -
Pentagon Papers released
documents were leaked to the public and the public realized that the government was lying to the public and had no intentions to end the war. -
Tet Offensive
An campaign of surpise attacks against military and civiallan commands and control centers throughout south vietnam. -
Massacre at My Lai
U.S soldiers attacked the city of Lai and killed innocent civiallans out of anger for the vietcong -
LBJ announces that he will not seek re-election
one of the only presidents to resign and not re run for a second term. -
MLK assassinated.
assassinted in memphis tennesse at the loraine hotel. -
a musical festival -
North Vietnam invades Saigon
south veitnamese officals and civiallans scrambled to leave saigon. Martial law was declared as a result.