week 6

  • benito mussolini

    -fascism was an authoritarian political movement that developed in italy & other european countries after 1919
    -fascist program emphasized intense nationalism productivity, anti socialism
  • stalin (USSR)

    -joseph stalin was a powerful communist leader in the early years of the soviet union. He was a dictator who terrorized the population & sent many people to prison & labor camps
    -one of the communist leaders greatest task was collectivize farming. Stalin created a state owned farms
    -while stalin was the leader he steadily increased his power. Many of his enemies were shot or sent to siberia
  • Japanese expansion

    -Japanese expansion in east Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria & continued in 1937 with a brutal attack on china. On September 27 1940, japan signed the tripartite pact with Germany & Italy. Then the U.S. had stopped trade with the japanese which led them to attack the U.S. & british forces in asia
  • german expansion

    -the german invasion of western poland on september 1 1939 led to WWII. Between 1939 & 1941 the german army invaded & occupied many countries, including the netherlands, western poland. The invasion of poland led both britain & france to declare war on germany, & then the war began, because german invasions continued more of the countries declared war on germany & their allies
  • george marshall

    -throughout the war, general george C. marshall (1880-1959) acted as chief of staff & the organizer of victory. He worked closely with president roosevelt to urge military preparedness before pearl harbor, built up & supplied an army of 8 million men, & later helped to oversee the creation of the first atomic bomb
  • Period: to

    volunteerism in WWII (red cross)

    -at home: began blood donor services in america to produce life soaring plasma for the armed forces, served in hospitals, produced emergency supplies, collected scrap, ran victory gardens, & maintained training programs
    -overseas: became the chief providers of relief supplies in europe, served as field directors, provided support for troops, operated clubs, & were attached to military hospitals
  • rationing

    -rationing is the controlled distribution of scarce resources & goods
    -rationing items were gasoline, tires, meat, butter & jellies
    -people had to use "rationing goods" which were issued to each family based on its size
  • M1 semi automatic rifle & radar

    -the design of the M1 allowed the americans to fire more shots against their german & japanese counter parts
    -battles were won by the side that was first to spot enemy planes, ships, or submarines. The radar helped see hundreds of miles away even at night
  • lend lease program

    -gave the president the authority to sell lease land, or otherwise dispose of an defense article to any nation whose defense he considered critical to that of the U.S.
  • women in the military

    -WACS (women army corps)
    -auxiliary unit
    -women were doing office things while men in the office were shipped over seas to fight
  • Bataan Death March

    -the bataan death march happened after the U.S. surrender of the bataan peninsula it affected the war tide in favor of the axis powers. Allied prisoners were forced to march 65 miles to prison camps, where thousands died from diseases, mistreatment & starvation
  • battle of midway

    -the battle of midway pushed the war tide in favor of the allied powers since if was one of the most decisive U.S. victories against japan
    -the U.S. inflicted permanent damage on the japanese navy. This was the turning pain of U.S. against japan
  • Period: to

    island hopping

    -island hopping was effecting the tide in favor of the allied powers because they kept pushing Japanese forced out of the islands, through the offensive against the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon archipelago which had marked the beginning of "island hopping" fought between August 1942 & February 1943, eventually succeed in forcing japan to relinquish the islands
  • D- day

    -positively effected the war tide for the allies because the battle foreshadowed the end of Hitlers dream of Nazi domination. D-day was the largest air, land, & sea operation undertaken. The landing included over 5,000 ships, 11,000 airplanes, & over 150,000 service men. By the end the allies had reached the seine river, Paris was liberated & the Germans had been removed from northwestern france, effectively concluding the battle of normandy
  • women & minority after WWII

    -while the men went to fight in the war, the women were left to work in the factories. After the war men came back to reclaim their positions at the factories but the women didn't want to give them up. Spurring the feminist movement
  • the US & European countries after WWII

    -in the US the war happened after the great depression. 30% unemployment was cut down to less than 5% after the employment boost due to the war. The european countries were left to rebuild. The US loaned money to the countries, & germany was the only country to fully pay it back in 1990
  • adolph hitler- germany

    -a dictatorship requires one person & one party to be in control of a nation & a climate of fear
    -personal freedom disappeared in nazi germany
    -hitler asked hinderburg to grant him emergency powers in view of the "communist takeover"
  • war bonds

    -way to remove money from circulation as well as reduced inflation
    -people would buy bond & the gov promised to return with intrest