week 6

  • 1943 BCE

    Omar bradely

    was a senior officer of the u.s. army
    .he was in service in north america and westren europe
    .he then became general of the first american army to land in france
  • 1941 BCE

    wacs span

    women joined the new women army corps (wacs) after basic trainin most of these women took cclerical jobs in the military women replaced jobs formerly held ny men ,such as ship building and aircraft production the idea was to have women fill jobs
  • 1941 BCE

    war bonds

    way to remove money from circulation as well ass reduce inflation
    .people would buy bonds and the gover promised to return to them with intrest after 0 years or more
    .gov needs the $ to pay for war equipment
  • 1940 BCE


    rationing is the controlled distribution of scarce resources and goods
    .rationing items were gasoline,tires ,meat,butter and jellies
    .people had to rationing goods which were issued to each family based on its size
  • axis

    germany ,ltaly ,and japen led a group of nations called the axis
    -1930 the nazis ,leader was hitler and tried to take revenge to the countries defeated germany in ww1 and wanted world domination
  • adolph hitler

    in germany adolph hitler had followed a path to power similar to mussdinis
    -in 1919 he joined a struggling group called the nazi party
    he was determind to achieve german domination of europe
  • allied powers

    groups of countries opposed to axis power
    they joined allies because the axis powers were attacking the world the allied countries where japan,germany,france, poland
  • rosie the riveter

    nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home rosie the riveter star of agoverment campaign aimed at recruiting female for munitions industry become perhaps the most iconic image of working women during war
  • code talker

    navajo code talker played a key role in the pacific campain the american military needed an undecipherable code that could not be broken by the iapahese the navajo languge
  • victory garden

    as part of the war effort the government rationed food like sugar ,butter ,milk,cheese,eggs,coffee,meat and canned goods
    .the govrnment turned to its citizen and encourage them to plant victory gardens
  • george c.marshell

    acted as chief of staff and the organizer of victory
    .worked closely with roosevelt to urge military to prepare befor pearl harbor
    .built a army of 8 men
  • koremastsu vs u.s

    fred koremastsu ,a japanese us citizen refused to leave home in san leandro, ca
    court decided the nations security concern out weighed the constitution promised of equal rights
  • potsdam conference

    -soviet leader joseph stain ,britsh prine minister winston church chill, and us. president harvy truman
    -met in potsdam,germany to negotiate terms for the end of war2
    agreement on german economy ,punishment for war criminals ,land boundarles divided germany