Week 6

By Ed99
  • Benito Mussolini-italy

    Fascism was an authoritarian political movement that developed in italy and other countries after 1919. Fascist program emphasized intense, productivism anti,socialism, elitism and the need for a strong leader mussolini.
  • Joseph Stalin-USSR

    Joseph stalin was a powerful communist leader in the early years of the soviet union. he was a dictator who terrized the population and send many people to prison and labor camps. One of the communist leader greatest task was collectize farming. stalin created a state-owned farms. while stalin was he steadily was the increased his power. Many of his enemies were shot or sent to siberia.
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    Germany, Italy and japan led a group of nations called the Axis. 1930's the nazi, leader was hitler and try to take recovery to the countries that defeated germany in ww1 and wanted world domination. 1930's japan invaded manchoria because it had alot of raw materials. They want their own countries to grow and others to become weaker.
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    Advance Technology In WW2

    Torpedos was used to destroy submarines and ships from long distance, because bullets couldnt go far and do alot of damaged. Bombing raids, were use to destroy anything in a certain area, such as factories that produce military equipment in WW2. Wolf packs were german submarines that had mass-attack tactics against convoys. A group of ships, warships, and submarines that attack a certain target all at once.
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    Great Britain,united states of america, soviet union,france led a group of nations called the allied. In 1994 congress voted that a state of war existed between USA and Japan war caused by german expansionism england and france were unprepared for war. When hitler invaded poland, WW2 began.
  • Japan War expansion

    japan wished to replace european imperialism in asia with the imperialism of an asian power. place a dates japan invaded.