Week 5 timeline

  • Daniel Dennett (Born March 28, 1942)

    "Consciousness Explained" is Daniel's book explaining his perception of consciousness. He sees it similarly to computer processing where the brain is just processing information. This book has allowed people to have a better sense of understanding of how the soul is made in the brain. Attached is a link to one of Daniel Dennett's TED talks on "The Illusion of Consciousness," furthering the discussion on the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjbWr3ODbAo
  • Daniel Dennett (Born March 28, 1942)

    Daniel Dennett has published many books on the human mind and consciousness. Arguably his most famous book was published in 1996 and is called "Darwin's Dangerous Idea." The book discusses how natural selection is a mathematical algorithm. Like many of his other books, especially "Consciousness Explained," the book was faced with harsh criticism furthering worldwide discussions on topics such as evolution, human, and non-human consciousness.
  • Daniel Dennett (Born March 28, 1942)

    As much as Daniel was a groundbreaker for the consciousness, he is also a significant figure for modern atheism. In his book "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon," he brings a compelling argument to be read by both believers and skeptics on how religion is a result of blind evolutionary instinct.
  • Daniel Dennett (Born March 28, 1942)

    Daniel has received many awards and honors over the years including "Humanist of the Year" in 2004 for his substantial research on free will, neuroscience, and cognitive abilities. In 2010, he was listed on the Honorary Board of Distinguished Achievers by the Freedom from Religious Foundation. Great achievements to show the effort put forth from being known as one of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism."