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Week 5 - Timeline 2 - David Bloor - June 28, 1942 - Present Day

  • David Bloor's Birthday and Background

    David Bloor was born on June 28 1942 in Derby, U.K. He is a British Sociologist, a former director of the Science Studies Unit, and a professor at Edinburgh University. Bloor went to school at the University of Keele and Trinity College, Cambridge.
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    The Strong Programme

    In the 1970's David Bloor and Barry Barnes were the most important figures of the strong programme (or strong sociology) which is the variety of the sociology of scientific knowledge. This made questions arise against philosophical "a priorism" in the understanding of scientific knowledge.
  • PHD

    In 1972, David Bloor was awarded his Ph.D. for his thesis "Speech and the Regulation of Behavior."
  • Bloors First Book

    In 1976, Bloor published his first book, titled "Knowledge and Social Imagery." The back cover states, " The purpose is to bring out the way in which social images and metaphors govern these rival claims, to determining their style, content, and relations to one another."
  • Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge

    In 1983 Bloor published his book "Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge." This book introduces a systematic explanation of Wittgenstein's later philosophical work, focusing on its powerful sociological and naturalist advances.
  • Scientific Knowledge: A Social Analysis

    In July of 1996, Bloor published another book titled, "Scientific Knowledge: A Social Analysis." This book is for those who are engaged in science as well as interested in science. The authors of the book, David Bloor, Barry Barnes, and John Henry arranged this book so that every single chapter looks at important steps process of doing science.
  • The Enigma of Aerofoil: Rival Theories in Aerodynamics, 1909-1930

    In November 2011, Bloor published another book titled, "The Enigma of Aerofoil." In this book, Bloor critiques the history of British and German studies and theories on aerodynamics and aerofoils.
  • Present Time - 2023

    Bloor has made some great accomplishments in his lifetime and is still continuing to contribute to science and the studies of sociology.