Week 5

  • Imre Lakatos Birth

    Imre was born in Hungary.
  • Graduation

    Lakatos graduated from Debrecen university in physics, mathematics, and philosophy. During his time there he also attended illegal underground meetings before starting his own illegal communist study group.
  • Graduate Student

    Lakatos moved to Budapest and became a graduate student at Budapest University. During his time there he continued his communist movement.
  • Doctorate Degree

    Dr. Lakatos received his Doctorate degree with a thesis on "The Sociology of Concept Formation in the Natural Science"
  • Against Formalism in Mathematics

    Dr. Lakatos's views of the development of mathematics is also much more like the development of thought as analyzed by Hegel.
  • MSRP

    The Methodology of Scientific Research Programme is a radical revision of Popper's Demarcation criterion between science and non-science (falsification).
  • Imre Lakatos Death

    Imre Lakatos never became a British citizen and died a stateless person. British lords and knights wanted to testify on Lakatos's behalf to become a British citizen, but neither MI5 not the special branch didn't trust him.
  • References

    • 1947a: “Huszadik Század”, Forum, 1: 316–20.
    • 1946a: “Citoyen és Munkásosztály” (Citoyen and the working class), Valóság, 1: 77–88.
    • 1946b: “A fizikai Idealizmus Bírálata” (A critique of idealism in physics); a review of Susan Stebbing’s Philosophy and the Physicists, Athenaeum, 1: 28–33.