National Origins Formula
*Restricted immagration on the basis of existing proportion of the population. It aimed to reduce the overall number of unskilled immagration, from changing the ethic distribution of the population
*it discrimanated against southern & Eastern Europeans
*The gov. only allowed 2% of the population into the nation
*The asian Exclusion act was modified which banned asians completely out
*The act caused immagration to drop by almost 500k b/w 1920-1922 -
Social Darwinism
*Haves were rich people or people that had power
*if you were poor or not educated then it means that they dont deserve to have money or power & they were a have not
*concept behind -
pledge of allegiance
*it was written Francis Bellamy
*it was changed since 1892-1954 before they agreed on t it was changed so immagrants would not confuse -
emergency quota act
*it limited the number of immagrants entering the U.S any to 3% of each nationality group in 1910
*From 1919-1921 then number of immagraints had grown almost 600% congress in reponse to natives -
transatlantic flight
*the piolt name charles linderburgh his plane was called the sprit
*he flew roosevelt field in long -
Father of the naval aviation
*Glenn Curtis was the 1st to drive a plane with an engine in 1902 in 1908 he designed a sea plane that could land on water. landed his hydroplane -
19th Admendment
*ploiticans needed more votes to win they decided to let women vote this admendment was known as women suffrage -
maarcus mosiah garvey the members pledge themselves to do all in their power to conseve the rightd of their noble race and to respect thr rights of man kind beliving -
langston hughes
poet and writer best known for his work during the harlem ressiance poetry activist play writing the crisis is the official publication of th NAACP nationa assication for the advancement of colored people -
Henry Ford
*when manufacturer first adopted their assembly line to thier production process they often achevied dramatic gains in productivity -
teapot dome scandal
albert q close friend of various oil execti es managed to get reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department fall of sectary leased the land to two private oil companys includinghenery Sinclair mmanth oil company fall received more than 400,000 in bans bonds and cash wa found guilty -
duke ellinton
duke ellingtion as influenced to the hralem renniasace he was in fact a jazz musician jazz music also swing music ellington a known for being an American composer pianist and bandleader of jazz orchestra -
natisism in 1921-1945
a dislike of forigners the red scrae which had anarchist bombing the sacco and Vanzetti case migration of African American from south to northern cities increased racil tentions with the KKK during the red scare -
red scare
xenophobia is the fear of forienes many americans were scared of the communist becaue the communist had overthrown Russia in 1917 and murdered them a series of bombing explosions in the 1919 including an attempt on Mitchell palmer lead to a campaign against the communist -
Harlem Renaissance
the harlem renaissance was the rise of power of an african american gaining civil rights. the harlem rennisance was also known as the "new negro Movement" contributing factors leading to the harlem renisance were the great migration of african american to northen cities which had created new industaul work oppurtunities -
fats waller
albert q close friend of various oil execti es managed to get reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department fall of sectary leased the land to two private oil companys includinghenery Sinclair mmanth oil company fall received more than 400,000 in bans bonds and cash wa found guilty -
albert q close friend of various oil execti es managed to get reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department fall of sectary leased the land to two private oil companys includinghenery Sinclair mmanth oil company fall received more than 400,000 in bans bonds and cash wa found guilty -
transitional migration
albert q close friend of various oil execti es managed to get reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department fall of sectary leased the land to two private oil companys includinghenery Sinclair mmanth oil company fall received more than 400,000 in bans bonds and cash wa found guilty -
monkey trails
high s chool teacher accused off teaching evolution in violation of tennessee state law the butter act did not allow the teaching of any theory that denined biblical story of creationism hundreds of reporters from all after the country trail broadcast on the radio -
first solo transatlantic
*Haves were rich people or people that had power
*if you were poor or not educated then it means that they dont deserve to have money or power & they were a have not
*concept behind