Original Pledge of Allegiance
-Bellamy had hoped that the people would be used by citizens in any country
-The phrase' to flag of the United States of America was added to the pledge of Allegiance in 1923 so it could be specific of US
-The phrase 'under god' wasnt added to our pledge of allegiance until 1954 in response to threat of communism -
Langston Hughes
-It was a Harlem Renaissance Artist, He wrote the poem to revolve the importance of roots & the way they provide meaning I lif
-It influenced the value of the African race during the Renaissance Era
The crisis is the official magazine the (NAACP) National Association of the Advancement of Colored people founded in 1910 -
Social Darwinism
-Haves were rich people, or people that had power
-If you were poor or not educated then if means that they deserve to have money or power and there were a have not
-Concept behind social Darwinism was racism, money, power
-What social classes owe to each other was pamphlet by William Graham summers about solving social problems created in 1883-1903 -
Henry Ford Immigrants
-Installed a mechanized assembly line to make production cheaper and faster
-Ford Company Assembly $18.35/hrs -
Henry Ford
-Was an engineer early automobile manufacture
-He introduce the assembly line in 1914 increasing production by moving car along a conveyor belt while workers completed their assigned task -
Transitional immigration
-After the war the need fo unskilled labor went down theU.S set up a quotasystem in order to limit immigration
-the immigration who were already here were being discriminated and were forced to be Americanized it affected their plans to go back to their country because of fear of not bing able to return new business activity centered in cities which case to move new banks throught the country -
-Marcus Mosian Garvey
-The members pledge themselves to do all in their power conserved the rights of their noble race and to respect brotherhood of a man and the Fatherhood of god
-North and frustrations of shrugging to cope with urban life set the scene for Garvey's back to Africa movement
(United Negro Important Association) -
19th Amendment
-On Aug 18, 1920, the 19th amendment was to the U.S constitution granted American women the right to vote
-A right known as women suffrage by 1818 the NWSA (National Women Suffrage Association) and the collective suffrage movement had gathered enough influence to lobby the U.S congress for a constitutional Amendment this has allowed woman the right to vote to this day -
Father of the naval aviation
-innovations in Naval aviation
-Glenn Curtis made the 1s airplane using a similar engine to a car years later he successfully few his hydroplanein 1912 develop a larger 'flying boat'
-Effects w all innovation, helped further naval aviation, later ai crafted, carriers -
Emergency Quota Act ending with the start of WW1
-The act proved in the long run the most turning point in america immigration policy because it added two new reatures to the Americans Immigration law numerical limits on immigration and the use of a Quota system for establishing those limits
- The law aimed at father restricting the southern and eastern Europeans among Jews
-Naturism the Policy of protecting the interest of native born or established inhabitants against those immigrants -
Period: to
Nativism in the 20's 30's
-A dislike off foreigns
-Red Scare which had anarchist bombings, The Sacco & Vanzetti Case
-Migration o African Americans from south t northern cities increasing racial tensions
-During Red Scare anarchist targeted judges, politicians, law enforcement officials, 2 foreigns sentenced to death for robbery, & KKK targeted African Americans doing lynching's and new foreigners using the emergency quota act to scare others -
Teapot dome scandal
-Albert B. Fall close friend o various oil executives managed to et reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department.
-Fall secretly leased the land to two private oil companies including Henry Snclairmammoth oil company fall received more than 400,000 in bands bonds and cash he was found guilty of bribery and became 1st American to be convicted of felony fall and Harding were close friends during this event -
National Orgins Act
Established of a quota system limited immigration fro souther and eastern Europe, also determined how many immigration could enter the U.S all Asians are excluded from immigration emergency quota that limited immigration from ant country 3% this act caused immigration to drop by almost 500,000 ppl b/w 1920-1922 -
Scopes Trial Monkey Trial
-As an American legal case in 1925 in which a teacher from Tennessee violated te outlet act, which taught about evolution
-this made an unlawful to teach human evolution in any state funded school
-William Jennegs wa the prosecutor, the attorney who defened scopes was convicted for teaching evolution his $1.00 fine was late set aside
The town first made the fne to collect money due to the great depression -
Charles Lindbergh/Solo Transatlantic Flight
-Charles Lindbergh & the spirit of St. Louis completed first non stop flight, from Ny to paris in 1927 the purpose plane had been named the 'Spirit of St. Louis' & the pilot was to be "Charles A. Lindbergh
-Henry Ford made trimurti airplane in 1926 translocation flights by Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Far Hart helped to promote cargo and commercial instruments -
Fats Waller
-Waller influenced the are o Jazzing's
-Jazz music is a genre that originated from African American
-Community an the late 19th and early 20th century
-Popular song aren't misbehaving s based on a night club people be having fun
-Waller also had a radio show that brought black & white people together -
-Is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving genetic quality of the human population the gov. under Theodore Roosevelt created a national herd by commission that was charged to investigate the genetic heritage of the country and to encourage the increase of families -
Red Scare
-xenophobia is the fear o foreigners may aericans were scared of the communist because the communist had overthrown Russia in 1917 and murdered them.
-a series of bomb explosions in 1919including a attempt on Mitchell Palmer lead to a campaign against communist