Week 3 - Timeline

By n.toro
  • The Beginning

    Charles Darwin
    He was born February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England, and attended the University of Edinburgh to study medicine initially but instead transferred to Christ's College and focused on Natural Science and Geology. He had five siblings. His father was a respected doctor - Robert Darwin; like his father, Darwin's grandfather was also a doctor.
  • The Preface

    Darwin's early education helped establish his newfound interest in natural sciences. A friend and botany professor encouraged him to attend a voyage on the HMS Beagle. A ship that was heading to the Strait of Magellan, South America. His observations paved the way for his theory of evolution by natural selection. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Beagle-ship
  • The Impact

    The HMS Beagle voyage was his baseline for establishing his theory of evolution by natural selection. Two decades after the journey, Darwin published his based approach in his book "Darwin, Charles R. On the Origin of Species (1859)". These studies created a strong baseline that modern-day science still uses today.
  • How was it taken?

    Darwin's theory created a paradigm shift in the world of Natural Science. It impacted like-minded individuals like himself greatly and was accepted by scientists. However, the general public saw his theory as taboo and inappropriate because they did not believe humans had anything in common.