Week 3 Discussion: Timetoast, Timeline of Landmark Legislation

By kaap821
  • First Public School

    First Public School
    Boston Latin School became the first public school to open in the United States. Which is now the oldest public school.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    The department of education is created, in order to help states establish effective school system.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    In 1896, a United States Supreme Court case, upheld the rights of states to pass laws allowing racial segregation in private and public institution for example schools, restrooms, restaurants and public transportation. The impact of Plessy was to relegate African Americans to second- class citizenship.
    Homer Plessy purchased a first class ticket on East Louisiana and takes a seat. J.J Dowling orders him to sit in the color car, then a detective has Plessy removed.
  • Compulsory School

    31 States had compulsory school attendants for students of age 8-14.
  • Require Elementary school

    Every State in the United States requires students to complete elementary school
  • Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka

    In Topeka, Kansas in 1950's, schools are segregated by race. Everyday Linda Brown and her sister had to walk to the bus stop for a ride to attend an all black Elementary school. Although, they had a school way closer to the Brown's house but, it was only for white students. The Brown family believed that the segregated school System violated the 14th amendment. They took their case to court and won. The justice ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children was unconstitutional.
  • Lau v. Nichols

    In 1971, Lau and other Chinese students descent who didn't speak English and didn't receive supplemental English courses brought a class action suit against the officials in the Unified School District. the student claim that the failure to provide supplement English classes constituted an unequal Education opportunity.
  • Title IX

    The Title IX states that "except for proved elsewhere in this part, no person shall, on basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination." Title IX is an Amendment, it prohibits sex based discrimination.
  • Deny Enrollment to Undocumented

    In 1975, the Texas legislature enacted laws granting local schools Districts authority to deny enrollment to undocumented non- citizens children. The legislature also withheld state funding from school Districts, serving children without authorization to live in the United States. Which meant that undocumented children had to pay for tuition to attend public schools while citizen children attended for free.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    In 1975, President Ford sign new law for All Handicapped Children Act, later called the IDEA. IT required schools to provide appropriate education services fo all children with disabilities within the ages of 3 to 21. Funds are granted by the State with special Education programs.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Tyler Independent School District, under leadership of James Plyler, began charging $1,000 a year for unauthorized immigrants students to attend school there. Four undocumented families filed a law suit against Texas school district. The district court held that the state law violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, the fifth circuit court granted.
  • Board v. Rowley

    Furnace Woods School refuses to provide deaf students Amy Rowley with a sign Language interpreter. Amy new have to lip read and has minimal residual hearing. the school admin alone with a sign Language expert determined Amy was able to succeed in Schoo, without a interpreter. The All Handicapped Children Act allow schools discretion in deciding what steps to take.
  • Force v Pierce City

    Judge Robert granted the thirteenth year old boy Force an injunction that barred the school from denying her the opportunity to play in her football team.