Week 3 Discussion: Timetoast, Timeline of Landmark Legislation

  • Common School Movement

    Horace Mann used his position in the Board of Education, to enact major education reforms and ensured that every child could receive a basic education funded by local and or state taxes. It was an effort that provided free education to all regardless of wealth, heritage and or class. This was a huge turning point in the united states education system because many children raised in poverty could not afford go to school. This act helped start the movement of the reform of our education system.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    The U.S Supreme Court case that upheld the right of states to pass law that allowed, or even required, racial segregation in public and private places such as schools, restrooms and restaurants. Racial segregation became legal as long as the segregated facilities were seen equal in quality. A doctrine that came to be "separate but equal". This case made discrimination against ones color of their skin and made Jim Crow laws to legally exist throughout the country.
  • Brown v. the Board of Education

    The U.S Supreme Court cases that ruled that all U.S state laws regarding and establishing racial segregation in public schools were founded unconstitutional. The case over ruled the " separate but equal" approach from Plessy v. Ferguson. Segregated schools, along with public restrooms, restaurants, transportation and drinking fountains were the results of Jim Crow laws.. The case had marked a turning point in the history regarding race relations in the United States.
  • Higher Education Act of 1965

    A legislative document was signed into a law to "strengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in post secondary and higher education”. It authorizes a broad array of federal aid programs that help students and their facsimiles with financial costs of any post secondary education. This regarding nay programs that provide any federal support to post secondary educational institutions of any high education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX states that no person shall be discriminated on the basis of sex in school. This also included be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving any federal financial assistance. School also could not discourage students from continuing their education. Also due to Title IX, schools must have an established procedure for handling sexual discrimination, harassment, and violence.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    Congress enacted an act to support states and localities in protecting the rights, meeting the needs of, and improving the results for those with disabilities. This act required that all public schools accepting federal funds to provide equal access to an education. Also required least one free meal a day for students with mental and physical disabilities. This act required free appropriate public education with students with disabilities.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    The Supreme Court issued a decision that all states cannot constitutionally deny students free public education due to their immigration status. The case was caused by a state statue denying funding for education to undocumented immigrant children. Also because municipal school district's attempted charge of an annual $1000 tuition fee for each student to compensate for loss funding. “No State shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
  • Proposition 187

    California Proposition 187 passed, making it illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to enroll into public schools. It was meant to establish a state given citizenship screening system and stop illegal immigrants from using non emergency heath care, public schooling, and any other services in the state of California. Federal courts had founded proposition 187 unconstitutional, but voters passed the proposed law at. Even after, anti-immigration biases still stayed even till this day.