week 2

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    Harsh Working Condition

    10 center and hour 12-14 hours a day,$8 to $10 a week
    Kids were paid less than 10 cents an hour, for 14 hours a day
    -Women received between 1/2-1/3 the pay of men
    -Machines were heavy and dangerous , black smoke spit out
    -Workers covered in black soot
    -Work with workers who were sick or had cut off limbs
    -Workers were abandoned if an accident occurred wages stop , no medical attention
    -Children +women were abused
    -Children had physical deformities because lack of sunlight and exercise
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    The Revolution

    -Focused on women's rights and women's suffrage
    -susan B.Anthony and Elizabeth C. stanton both were publishers and editors
    -they established the revolution during a period when split was developing within the women's right movement
    -together they provide leadership to stop women's suffrage in the U.S
    - women,s rights movement had greatly reduced at the turn century
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    Populist party (peoples party)

    The purpose of the "peoples party " was to increase in the money supply to help for farmers and workers
    -Is was mainly towards struggling farmers and desperate laborers
    -The populists programas eventually become the platform of the Democratic Party and kept alive the concept that the goverment is responsible for reforming social injustices
    -James B.weaver was the populist candidate for president that year he pulled over 1,041,000
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union

    -WCTU fought for prohibition the banning of alcoholic beverages whated immigrants and poor city dwells to uplift themselves
    -frances wilard help transfrom the union from small mid-western religious group to a national organization
    -aroused tension between immigrants because their customs included alcohol consumption
  • Assassination of presidential Grafield

    -the assassin was charles j. guiteau
    -shout at the president twice only on 1 bullet directly impacted him
    -Reason Charles shot him was he because he was turned down from a job from by the president mentally unstable and believed god told him to do it
    -Charles wrote a poem,"I am going to the cordy" to Garfield about his own death
    -Garfield lived for a couple of moths but died from infection
  • Pendleton act

    -patronage system is a practice in which a political party afther winning an election gives gov jobs to its supporters
    -Merit system is the process of promoting and hiring gov. employees based in their ability to preform a job
    CAUSE: President Garfield was shop twp times by charles Guiteau whom he had been turned down from a job Chester after became president
    EFFECT:officials could no longer pressure employees for campaing contributors
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    -The reason for this law was to make railroad rates fair for all the customers
    -this power of the law was basically to regulate railroad prices
    -This was the first federal law to regulate private industry in the U.S
    -The importance of this law was to eliminate discrimination against small markets, and establish a "reasonable and just price"standard
    -the ICC was created to enforce regulations and investigate allegations such as fraud , deception ,and discrimination toward private businesses
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    -To address oppressive business practices associated with cartels and oppressive monopolists
    -Business illegally forming trust that interfered with trade
    -The act was suppose to go against big business and the trust in the Supreme Court ,but they didn't define what "trust" meant
    -it was useless until 1900's when trust-busters closed over 44 trust companies
    -John D. Rockefeller was one of the captain of industry or Robber Barons that caused the act to be created
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    The Progressive Eva

    -The progressive era was a time of social and political reforms, during which corruption and social inequalities were exposed and many change were made to American society
    -progressive era was a time of reform such as the initiative and referendum(vote)
  • Red Record

    -Ida B. Wells one of the co-founders of the NAACP wrote the red record
    -The central topic of this pamphlet was to inform everyone on how black people were being treat for example some would get lynched some of the states would treat them horribly like Alabama Louisiana ,Mississippi,South Carolina, and Texas and what be punished for
    -the red record's effect on society is the states began recognize the seriousness of these subjects began taking action
  • Plessy vs Fergunson

    -law case of the supreme court it upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of " separate but equal"
    -"separate but equal" did not violate the 14th amendment to the us constitution in 1868' which guaranteed equal protection under the law to all citizens
    -the expression most often referred to the legally or socially enforce separation African Americans from other races but also applies the general discrimination against people of color by white communities
  • Klondike gold Rush

    -out of 100,000 prospectors only 3,000 reached the region
    -it was difficult to reach the Klondike region and because of the terrain and harsh weather
    -the people left their jobs for Klondike to become gold diggers
    -many prospectors because penniless because they had spent a lot of money on the Klondike. The continental economy however they became locked in a state of depression
    -The prospectors did not always fine gold but the hardware suppliers made a fortune selling the equipment
  • Muckraker Journalism

    -Means to search for and exposing miconduct in public life,like Putin Sinclair and Ida B. Wells
    -they would write about things that gov or company owners wanted to keep a secret and out if the minds of the public
    -Thr effects of this type of journalist made companies fail because is would open the eyes of the people to the truth of what was really going on
  • Pure food and drug act

    Preunted the manufactare or sale of gross misbranded or poisonous foof drugs or medicines
    -was the first of many consumer protection acts
    -law required lableing of any that are addictive alcohol morphine opium and cannabis
    -caused caca-cola to replace the cocaine in their product with caffine
    -muckracking journalists brougth these crimes to the public eye
  • The jungle

    -written by muckraking journalists upton Sinclair
    -fucuse was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago & to exploit in the labor of a men & women for profit
    -Magnified the sickening conditions of the meat-packing industry
    -as result of making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous cunditions, eaeh local gov. Possed it own set of healt codes as well as the meat inspection & the pure food & durgaet

    -in the 1909 and 1930's the NAACP devotes much of its energy to publicizing the lynching of blacks throughout the United States
    -The initials stand for the national association for the advancement of colored people
    -The NAACP was found in 1909 by a group of multi-racial activist. It was originally the national negro committee by W.E.B DOBO
  • 16th Amendment

    -Allows the congress to levy an income tax on the people
    -Ist biggest effect was is shifted the balance of power toward the federal gov and away from the states
    -progressive: favoring or advocating progress and change
    - revenue: collective items of income of a person,states,etc
    -Tarff:tax or duty be paid
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    Progressive"Bull Moose "party

    -Their platform was a tariff reform, women's suffrage, federal law against child labor,a federal trade commission to regulate bisinesses,other reforms
    -they broke off the Republican Party
    -Major candidates of the presidential election of 1912 were Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft,and Woodrow Wilson
    -This "third party" split affected the presidential election because the split divided the Republican Party&the county,which helped democrat Woodrow Wilson win the election 1912
  • 17th amendment

    -the state of the U.S shall be composed of 2 senators from each state,elected by the people there of for 6 years and senator shall have one vote
    -it changed the theory about senators sepresented ,shifting the focus from states gov to the residents of states
    -Direct election; system of choosing political office holders in which the voters directly cast ballots for the person
  • Frderal Reserve Act

    -nation need a way to strengthen the ways in which banks were run
    -The act divided the nation into 12 districts and establish a central back in each district
    -The federal reserve banks could issued new paper currency in emergency situations and members banks could use the new currency to Make loans to their customers
    -By 1923 roughly 70% of the nations banking resources were part of the federal reserve systems
  • 18th Amendment vocabulary

    Temperance-abstinence from alcoholic drinks
    Prohibition-legal act of prohibit the manufacture storage in barrels bottles transport and sele of alcoholic beverage
    Speak-Easy-an illicit liquor store or nightclub
    Flapper-a fashionable tong women intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standard of behavior
  • 18th Amendment ,A

    -Caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating American health and cause criminal activities
    -Established the prohibition o alcoholic beverages in the U.S by declaring the production ,transport and sale of alcohol
    -Instead of reducing crime it massive organized crime movements and corrupted public official who took bribes
  • 19th Amenment

    -women wanted equality
    -Granted women the right to vote; a right know as suffrage
    -Helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of American life
    -women advocated for a jobs, fairer wages education ,sex education and brith control
  • 18th Amendment , B

    -Temperance:restraint + moderation from drinking
    -Prohibition:nationwide ban of alcohol
    -Speakeasy: ilicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    -Flapper:generation of young western women in 1920's who wore short skirts,bobbed their hair , listened to jazz,and flaunted their unacceptable behavior