General Montgomery
General Montgomery decides to make El Alamein a war of numbers and stockpiles his supplies to eventually try to overwhelm the Germans. -
British X Corps
British X Corps makes a substantial gain in capturing Tel el Aqqaqir, running straight through the beleagured Axis lines, effectively ending the Battle of El Alamain in favor of the Allies. The victory is a major one for the Germans are in full retreat throughout North Africa. The action officially ends all Axis presence on the continent. -
The First Battle of El Alamein
The First Battle of El Alamein takes place with Erwin Rommel hoping to put a dent in the Allied defense near El Alamino. Rommel's forces consist of his Afrika Corps and three Italian troop corps. -
British Prime Minister
British Prime Minister relieves General Auchinleck with General Harold Alexander as Commander-in-Chief, Middle East. -
Rommel begins a new offensive
Rommel begins a new offensive starting from Bab el Qattara that becomes the Battle of Alam Halfa near El Alamein. The objective is the high ridge at Alam Halfa some 13 miles through the Allied defensive perimeter in the south. -
Rommel's assault
Rommel's assault is thwarted, his tank forces suffering high losses in the attack - and his army is pushed back to Bab el Qattara. -
The Allied counter
The Allied counter-offensive begins through Operation Lightfoot, a massive artillery bombardment of dug-in German forces. -
The night attack
At 10:00PM, British XIII Corps hits the German 21st Panzer Division and Italian Brescia and Folgore Divisions in the south of the German defensive wall as a diversion to its north-bound actions. -
allied armor crosses
As more and more Allied armor crosses through the German perimeter, Rommel orders his battle-weary forces on an eastward retreat, keeping his forces within easy access to the North African coast.