Web design 1

Web design Timeline

By Lyd_S
  • Archie – the first search engine

    Archie – the first search engine
    The search engine enabled its users to find and download specific files on the Internet by indexing files stored on public FTP servers
  • Gopher

    Gopher system was created at the University of Minnesota as a text-based system that used the hierarchical menu structure for navigation. It was a system working on a client-server basis.
  • ViolaWWW

    ViolaWWW was the first browser to support scripting, table rendering and forms. The browser also contained a simple stylesheet to define the website's visual appearance.
  • XHTML 1.0

    XHTML 1.0
    The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) is a markup language for creating hypertext documents in an Internet environment. XHTML originated from an integration of XML and HTML and was divided into three versions: Strict, Transitional, and Frameset. According to W3C’s original plans, XHTML was supposed to be the successor to HTML, whose development was completed by version 4.01.
  • YouTube

    YouTube website for publishing and sharing video files. The first video called "Me at the zoo" was uploaded to YouTube on 23 April, 2005
  • Twitter

    The social network Twitter allows users to read and send short posts referred to as "tweets". The length of individual tweets was initially limited to 140 characters.
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    Chrome surpassed the popularity of Internet Explorer and became the most widely used web browser. In 2018, Google Chrome had more than 66% of the global market share.
  • Pinterest

    social network that allows users to share photos, create collections of images and organize them by topics such as interests, hobbies, events and more.
  • Microsoft Edge

    Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Edge was subsequently included as a default browser
  • Adobe announced termination of Flash

    Adobe announced termination of Flash
    Adobe Systems announced that it would cease support for Flash in 2020 and would no longer issue additional security updates for Adobe Flash Player.
  • Online shopping skyrocketed

    Online shopping skyrocketed
    105 billion on the online US revenue, This includes everything from casual clothes to expensive electronics, auto-motives, and even groceries, that category that, unsurprisingly, gained the most ground in 2020
  • Fraud and Theft on the online world

    Fraud and Theft on the online world
    Scams continue to increase over time due to the increase in usage of technology