We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with out families. Allen T, David M

  • Historical Context (President signs agreement)

    Historical Context (President signs agreement)
    In 1993, President Juvénal Habyarimana signs a power-sharign agreement with the Tutsis
  • The world

    The world
    Bill Clinton was elected president in 1993
  • Novel (The author visits a murder scene from the genocide)

    Novel (The author visits a murder scene from the genocide)
    Philip Gourevitch, the author, visits a church where many Tutsis were killed in cold blood
  • Novel (Hutus kill Tutsis

    Novel (Hutus kill Tutsis
    Eventually, the Hutus started to kill the Tutsis. The tutsis were killed in cold blood by neighbors, friends, and Hutus at random
  • Novel (peacekeepers were deployed in Rwanada)

    Novel (peacekeepers were deployed in Rwanada)
    Just a few months after the genocide started, the UN deployed peacekeepers, soliders that help countires destroyed by conflict.
  • Novel (Tutsi death keep climbing)

    Novel (Tutsi death keep climbing)
    By June 1994, nearly 1,00,000 Tutsis were killed in coldblood
  • Historical Context (Refugee camps destroyed)

    Historical Context (Refugee camps destroyed)
    Throught the Rwandan genocide, Hutus would take over land and knockdown refugee camps
  • Historical Context (corpeses covered for respect and privacy)

    Historical Context (corpeses covered for respect and privacy)
    Corpses were covered with leaves sp that pictures from above would not be taken.
  • Historical Context (Government of National Unity)

    Historical Context (Government of National Unity)
    In 1994, the Government of National Unity is formed. This is a government that is used when there is a war going on
  • Historical Context (Nelson becomes president)

    Historical Context (Nelson becomes president)
    After spending 27 years in jail for conspiring to overthrow the state, Nelson finally became the first President of South Africa
  • Around the world (O.J. Simpson case)

    Around the world (O.J. Simpson case)
    During the Rwandan Genocide, the popular case relating to O.J Simpson was going on. O.J. was on trial for the murder of his wife and Goldman
  • Around the world (Popular companies were born)

    Around the world (Popular companies were born)
    At the end of 1994 going into 1995, the popular website "Amazon" and the other popular website "YAHOO!" launched
  • Around the world (Death of Kurt Cobain)

    Around the world (Death of Kurt Cobain)
    Kurt Cobain was the creater and lead singer of the popular band "Nirvana", many people were crushed when finding the unfrourtuante news of his suicicde
  • Historical Context (Plane with two Presidents was shot down)

    Historical Context  (Plane with two Presidents was shot down)
    President of Rwanda, Juvénal Habyarimana, and President of Burundian, Cyprien Ntaryamira, were both in a plane that was shot down. There were two groups that were suspects of this: RPF( Rwandan Patriotic Front) and the Hutus.
  • Novel (FAR starts to kill)

    Novel (FAR starts to kill)
    On April 7, 1994, the FAR started to kill both Hutus and Tutsi. They were both blamed for the cause of the death of the two presidents.
  • The novel (We wish to inform...)

    The novel (We wish to inform...)
    In 1995, a year after the killing, at least thirty-three thousand men, women, and children had been arrested for alleged participation in genocide. At the end of that year, the number had climbed to sixty thousand.
  • Historical Context

    Historical Context
    The constitutional court is formally opened by president Nelson Mendel
  • The novel ( We wish to inform...)

    The novel ( We wish to inform...)
    In 1996 mortality rates in the central prison were reported to be lower than among the Rwanda population at large.
  • Historical Context

    Historical Context
    3 April, Five members of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) are sentenced to twenty-six years imprisonment each for their part in a bombing campaign in which twenty people were killed and hundreds injured, aimed at disrupting the 1994 elections.
  • The novel (We wish to inform...)

    The novel (We wish to inform...)
    By the end of 1997, at least a hundred twenty-five thousand Hutus accused of crimes during the genocide were incarcerated in Rwanda.
  • Historical context

    Historical context
    December 20, President Nelson Mandela steps down as leader of South Africa's governing African National Congress.
  • The novel (We wish to inform...)

    The novel (We wish to inform...)
    In the early 1998's, Rwanda's war against the genocide still continues
  • The world

    The world
    The FIFA World Cup was held in France and France won the Cup
  • Historical context

    Historical context
    21 August, former President P.W. Botha (82) is convicted of ignoring a subpoena to testify about apartheid atrocities in front of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He is fined $1,577 and given a suspended 1 year jail sentence.
  • Historical context

    Historical context
    16 February, the four police officers charged with the fatal beating of Steve Biko are denied amnesty.