We were soldiers

  • Battle of Mang yang pass

    Battle of Mang yang pass
    a french unit is ambushed by viet minh forces.this was one of the last battles of the first indochina war.
  • Battle of la Drang

    Battle of la Drang
    Lt. Col Harold G. Moore and his men of the 1st battalion, 7th Calvary land down in the early morning of the chu pong hills. around noon the 33rd regiment attacked. the fight continued all day and night. this three day long battle resulted in 834 north vietnamese soliders killed,and another 1,000 communist dead.
    of the 500 men in the original company, 150 killed and only 84 were able to return to duty.
  • border battles

    border battles
    U.S. Army and Marines face relentless onslaughts from North Vietnamese, in the remote areas of Dak To, Con Thien and Khe Sanh.
  • thousands protest the war

    thousands protest the war
    hundreds of thousands antiwar protesters gather in new York and Washington to protest the us involvement in the war .
  • cease fire in vietnam

    cease fire in vietnam
    us and north Vietnam agree to cease fire. two months later all us troops leave Vietnam.