Plessy v.s Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguaon was the supreme court case that created the mentality of all people to belive it truely was socially acceptable to segregate against minorities, mainly african americas. Although the worlds between blacks and whites were seperate such as where they drank water, it is clear that they were not equal considering whites always got an advantage. There is significance within this event due to the fact that it is one of the last shoves minorities recieve before they truly uprise. -
Brown v.s Board of Education
Children were having to suffer through the ignorant mentality of segreation and were not allowed to go to school with different colors of people. Segregation had gone too far when it interfered with education, The court case finalized in an influence to end seperation of races through school systems. -
The murder of Emmet Till
A boy no older than 15 years old, who was African American is accused to fancy a woman who was white. Relatives of her become aware of the situation and attack him to death for the act that they had no proof of. This proved to the public that segregation showed no mercy to even children. -
Rosa Parks
The fight against segregation needed a person to create the first rise and rosa parks was on of those people. She is well-known for having gone against the will of the people in society by sitting on the white side of the bus. This is significant because she influenced several aspects of the civil rights movement. -
founding of southern christian
A group led by Martin Luther King jr. himself as he controled marches and confrences against segregation. His ideas, however did not revolve around violence and were mainly calm and peaceful to get his point across. It was significant because him as a leader created the pathway he took to become a leader. -
Little Rock Nine and Central High
The LIttle Rock Nine were nine African America Central High students who refused to transfer to an all-blacks school when Central High, an all-whites school prevented their entry. The argument was that the African American students should not have to travel to a school furhter away from them simply because of their color. This influenced the civil rights movement by pushing government officials to get involved in such events. -
Greensborough Sit-in
The Greensboroughsit-ins were acts of peaceful protests against whites who opposed blacks presence in the white section of the diner. These protests were mainly done by African American college students who would rotate in and out of the seats when students would get arrested. This influenced the civil rights movements by showing others that peaceful protests could be just as powerful. -
Freedom Riders
A group of protestors rode buses into segregated areas in order to prove to the whites that they were not afraid of the attacks on African Americans. Seven blacks and six whites participated in the very first freedom ride. This not only led other whites to join the movement, but proved that not all whites were racist. -
The March on Washington
The MArch on Washington was a public protest march towards Washington D.C.. The purpose of the movement was to place all the horrible things happening to African Americans in the United States under public eye.This opened the eyes of many Americans and helped the civil rights movement by influencing whites to get involved. -
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
Supported the Civil RIghts Bill which had passed soon after the assasssination of President John F. Kennedy. This committee promoted peaceful protest. THe civil rights movement was heavily influenced by this committee, as it pushed other young African Americans to not only get involved, but to do so without violence. -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act authorized civil rights to everyone, including minorities. It also banned descrimination based on several aspects, such as race and religion. This act relinquished to the minorities the right to be their race with no descrimination. -
Giving voting rights to people allowed them to have a voice in politics. Minorities such as african americans would no longer be denied their right to vote regardless of ther education and any irrelevant aspect whites used to use as excusses. It is sginificant because giving them a voice made be a step higher in society. -
Assasination of Malcolm X
Malcolm X was known for supporting the group of Islamic beliefs. He was killed by one of the members of the group in an important confrence promoting his civil rights movement. This was impacting to society because it allowed people to realize how far people were against those who stood out in the movement. -
Assasination of MLK
Martin Luther king is one of the most well known leaders of the civil rights movement having several groups he led. He was killed/murdered during on of his speeches as he spoke of his idea of the perfect world with no segregation at all. His death was the final draw for those who support him now took their ideas to the next step.