Marilyn Monroe
Attempts suicide after death of her friend that asked to marry him over and over ,but she would still say no. Soon later Marlyn would marry oe Dimaggio. -
Popular television show for his Musical Entertainment. -
Rock Around The Clock
Hit single released by Bill Halley and his comets. -
Elvis Presley
Signed with RCA Records November 12 finally began his pop carrer. -
Peter Pan
Broadcast on live tv and in color. -
Disney Land
Opens on July 17 as Walt Disney's first theme park. -
Princess Grace
Releases last film "High Society" and marries Prince Rainer III of Monaco. -
Chubby Cheeker
Popularizes the dance "The Twist" with his song of the same name. -
Cocaine use surged in the mid-to-lte 1980's. -
Wheel Of Fortune
Hit television show since 1983.