Vietnam overran Dien Bien Phu
Intellectual -
Bus Boycott
Social -
U.S. Supplies Aid to South Vietnam
Economic -
Elvis Presley recorded his television debut
Intellectual -
Elvis Appears on Ed Sullivan Show
Social -
Marylin Monroe Marries Arthur Miller
Social -
"Wizard of Oz" was 1st televised
intellectual -
School Dessegration Crisis in Litte Rock
Political -
Alaska Becomes a State
Economic -
Hawaii Becomes a State
Economic -
Students form Sitins
Social -
John F. Kennedy is Elected President
Political -
Peace Corps is Established
Economic -
Bay of Pigs
Political -
John Glenn is the first American to orbit the earth
Intellectual -
U.S. and USSR face off in the Cuban Missile Crisis
Political -
Kennedy Forced Federal Troops to Desegregate University of Alabama
Political -
Medgar Evers is Assassinated
Social -
Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream Speach"
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Birmingham Church Bombing
Economical -
U.S. Military Toppled Diems Regime
Economic -
Lyndon B Johnson Becomes President
Political -
Kennedy is Assassinated
Economic -
Congress Passes Civil Rights Act
Intellectual -
Malcom X is Assassinated
Social -
Selma Campaign
Intellectual -
Marchers Set Out For Montegomery
Intellectual -
Edward White ll Takes the First Spacewalk by an American
Intellectual -
Eve of Destruction
Economic -
National Organizaton For Women (NOW) is Created
Political -
Black Panthers is Formed
Intellectual -
Public Broadcasting Created
Intellectual -
Thurgood Marshall Becomes Firt African-American Justice on the Supreme Court
Political -
Tet Offesnsive
Economic -
Kerner Comission Published Report of White Racism
Intellectual -
Martin Luther King Junior Assassinated
Social -
Robert Kennedy Shot
Economic -
Nixon Is Elected President
Political -
U.S. Begins Withdrawals From Vietnam
political -
U.S. is the First Nation to the Moon
Intellectual -
Ho Chi Minh Dies
Social -
First Earth Day
economical -
U.S. Invades Cambodia
Economic -
Kent State Shootings
Socail -
First Monday Night Foot ball Broadcast
intellectual -
Clean Air Act
intellectual -
Congressional Ban on TV cigarette Commercials
social -
Nixon turned to prica and wage controls to stop inflation
Economic -
Nixon took surprise visit to china
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Break in Watergate Scandal
Economic -
Watergate is broken into
economic -
Tapes revealed Nixons Plans of obstructing FBI investigation
Political -
Watergate Burglars Indicted
Political -
Kissinger Announces "Peace is at Hand"
Social -
Nixon Reelected
Political -
U.S. Signs a Cease Fire with North Vietnam and Ending U.S. Envolvement In War
Political -
McCord Admits to Lying Under Oath
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U.S. troops left vietnam
economic -
Barbara Jordan Discussed Nixon's Impeachment
Intellectial -
Commitee Approved Three Articles to Impeach Nixon
Political -
Saturday Night Love Premiere