We Didn't Start the Fire

  • Period: to

    Belgians in Congo

  • Richard Nixon is born

  • Television Invention

  • Battle of Berlin

  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh wrote the Declaration of Independence Of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
  • Israel stole Palestinian land

  • Development of H-bomb

  • space monkey

  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • President Truman relieves MacArthur from command

  • Eisenhower becomes president

  • Rock genre uprise

  • Polio Vaccine

  • JFK becomes president

  • Bay of Pigs

  • "Message to the Grassroots" by Malcolm X

  • Assassination of JFK

  • China undergoes martial law

  • Watergate Scandal

  • Punk Rock genre

  • Afghan-Soviet war

  • AIDS/HIV pandemic

  • 9/11

    terror on the airline