We didn't start the fire By DerikProfitt Period: Jan 1, 1949 to Dec 31, 1989 Billy Joel Nov 4, 1950 Richard Nixon About Richard Nixon Richard Nixon was first elected to United States Congress. Dec 20, 1951 Sugar Ray Robinson More Sugar Ray Robinson He won the Welterweight title Apr 18, 1955 Albert Einstein Einstein's face He dies at age 76. Aug 1, 1955 U-2 Flights This plane was shot down over Israel. Sep 25, 1959 Space Monkey My little monkeyAble and Miss Baker return to Earth from space aboard the flight Jupiter AM-18. Nov 22, 1963 JFK Blown Away Assassination of JFK John F. Kennedy was assassinated while in a convertable. Jul 20, 1969 Moonshot First men on the moon Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are the first people on the moon. Jan 6, 1975 Wheel of Fortune More about Wheel of Fortune The show was first started. Jan 20, 1981 Ronald Reagan More about Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan got elected president. Jun 7, 1989 Cola Wars Cola Wars The colas fight for the dominance.