Way Down Deep Timeline

By hb6689
  • Mrs. Arbutus' Father Dies

    Mrs. Arbutus' Father Dies
    The last of Mrs. Arbutus' family dies leaving her lonely and depressed
  • Ruby June is Found on the Doorsteps of the Courthouse

    Ruby June is Found on the Doorsteps of the Courthouse
  • Mrs. Arbutus adopts Ruby June

    Mrs. Arbutus adopts Ruby June
    Mrs. Arbutus adopts Ruby June to fill her empty heart and no one objects and ruby gets accustomed to livng with her and enjoys helping around the house
  • Mr. Reeder Tries to Rob the Town Bank

    Mr. Reeder Tries to Rob the Town Bank
    Mr. Reeder (Robber Bob) tries to rob the town bank with a toy gun so he can get money to provide food for his family in another town
  • The Townsfolk Give Mr. Reeder a Place to Live

    The Townsfolk Give Mr. Reeder a Place to Live
    The townsfolk take pity on Mr. Reeder, a single father with 4 children, and decide his childrwn and him can live in Way Down and the people will help provide for him
  • Pierre Mendes-France Forms French Government

    Pierre Mendes-France Forms French Government
  • Tasmanian Devil Debuts in "Devil May Hare" by Warner Brothers

    Tasmanian Devil Debuts in "Devil May Hare" by Warner Brothers
  • Ruby is Told Her Mystery Will Soon Unravel

    Ruby is Told Her Mystery Will Soon Unravel
    When Ruby goes up the hill to get honey from Old Granny Butler with Cedar and Peter Reeder Old Granny Butler pulls her aside and tells her that Aristotle, a wise old owl, told her, "The mystery of Ruby June is about to unravel."
  • Bird Tells the Story of The Little Girl Who Was Eaten by a Panther

    Bird Tells the Story of The Little Girl Who Was Eaten by a Panther
    Bird, Robber Bob's Dad, tells the story of a little girl who was sleeping on the front porch with her cousins in the middle of the night when she was silently taken right off the front porch by a panther and eaten and Ruby realizes she is the little girl in the story
  • A Private Detective is Called

    A Private Detective is Called
    Ruby tells Mrs. Arbutus she thinks she knows where she is from now and so they hire a private detetive who finds Ruby's real family and Ruby, uwillingly, has to leave Way Down Deep and move in with her Grandma
  • Food Rationing Ends in Great Britain

    Food Rationing Ends in Great Britain
  • Major League Baseball Players Association is Founded

    Major League Baseball Players Association is Founded
  • Construction Begins on DisneyLand

    Construction Begins on DisneyLand
  • Mrs. Arbutus Tells The Whole Story

    Mrs. Arbutus Tells The Whole Story
    Mrs. Arbutus tells every one the story of her vividly real dream in where she ran faster than a panther to a house where she found a gift, a small little girl who was neglected by her family, sleeping on her front porch with her cousins. Mrs. Arbutus picks up the child and brings her home, then the dreams ends and Mrs. Arbutus is terribly sad until she hears a commotion outside and goes to the courthouse and firmly says she will adopt Ruby, leaving yes as the only answer
  • Ruby Goes Home

    Ruby Goes Home
    Ruby and her Grandma go to live in Way Down Deep