
Wax museum

  • My Death!!

    My Death!!
    I died 1871 of old age
  • Orville is born

    Orville is born
    Orville was born on August 19, 1871
    He was born in Dayton, Ohio
  • Toys can lead you places

    Toys can lead you places
    THeir dad brought home a toy helicotor and they were fasinated about how it flew
  • Kites

    Wilbur and orville started buliding kites in their free time to study the way things fly
  • Bicycle

    For work they both joined a bicycle shop. This helped them get more handy and raise funds for the plane.
  • Museum

    They went to a large museum in Chicago about aeronautics. this in trested them both.
  • A death!!

    A death!!
    Otto Lilienthal passes away. He was a aronautics engineer.
  • Start flying

    Start flying
    They move to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. To test out their first prototye airplane
  • Patent

    The Wright Brothers had many succesful runs but they added a patent. A engine!!!!
  • Buiseness

    The Wright Brothers won a bid to build a millitary machine