Watergate Scandal
On this date, several men connected to President Richard Nixon's reeclection campaign were arrested on charges of attempting to wiretap phones and steal secret documents inside the office of the Democratic National Commitee in the Watergate building in Washington D.C.. Nixon tried to cover up the scandal. When his invovlement was later exposed, he resigned, leaving Gerald Ford to take his place. -
Gerald Ford Becomes President
When Gerald Ford took his oath of office on this date, he stated "I assume this presidency under extraordinary circumstances... This is an hour of history that troubles our minds and hurts our hearts." Ford's integrity and openness made him generally popular with the people, but he had inherited the problems of NIxon. A month after coming to presidency, he granted Nixon of full pardon for any crimes he may have committed in office. -
Major concerns/plans coming into office
When Ford came into office, he intended to led the American people out of the darkness of the Watergate Scandal. The national unemployment and inflation epidemic had swept across American causing a lull in the economy. Many state and cities governments were suffering from fiscal problems and social issues divided the people. American people still did not trust their government. Ford planned to gradually replace Nixon's cabinet and install a $16 tax cut to jumpstart the economy. -
Proclamation 4311
On this date, Gerald Ford signed Proclamation 4311. It granted Nixon a full pardon of crimes he may committed while in office in order back the scandal behind and allow the American public to move forward. Still, it was very controversial and might have cost him his reeclection. -
Helsinki Accords
On this date, the Helsinki Accords were signed by the Soviet Union and Western Unions. It was political and human rights agreement that the countries hoped would improve relations between the communists and the West. -
Jimmy Carter Becomes President
On this date, Jimmy Carter became the 39th president of the United States. He was welcomed with optimistic hopes by the American people. After his inaugral address, he got out of his limousines he walked along side his supporters to the White House. He symbolized a new type of leadership for the American People. -
Successes in Foreign Policy
In 2002, Jimmy Carter was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his peaceful efforts in foreign policy. His most notable sucesses were the return of the Panama Canal, establishing offical diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China, and implementing the Camp David Accords to establish lasting peace between Eygpt and Israel. -
Camp David Accords
The signing of the Camp David Accords is by far Carter's most recognized achievement while in office. Carter was determined to be a Middle East peacekeeper. He invited Menachem of Irael and Anwar Sadat of Eypt to the presidential retreat at Camp David. After 13 days, an agreement was reached. Egypt wouls formally recognize the state of Israel and Israel agreed to return the Sinai Pennisula to Egypt. -
Iranian-Hostage Crisis
In Carter's last year of presidency, the Iranian hostage crisis became the main concern. When the overthrown shah of Iran was allowed into the U.S. to receive medical treatment, supporters of the newly installed Islamic Republic stromed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 66 Americans hostage. After failure to negotiate their release, Carter approved an attack on Iran to recuse the hostages. The attack turned out to be a complete failure due to a sandstorm and problems with the helicopters. -
Reagan became President
On this date, President Reagan became President of the United States. As a former actor and governor of California, Reagan was widely loved by the American people. He and his wife brought a sort of "Hollywood" era to the White House. His famous speeches captivated and empowered Americans. -
Domestic and Foreign Policies
Domestically, Reagan cut taxes, expanded military-based spending, and reductions in funding for some socials programs such as Social Security. On the foreign front, tensions with the Soviet Union escalated as the U.S. built up their weapons stockpile and military. Reagan also sent 800 U.S. to enforce peace in Lebanon after Israel invaded. Grenada was invaded by the U.S. after the government was overthrown. -
Reagan implented his economic theory called supply-side economics. It involved cutting taxes to foster private investment which would to the creation of new jobs thus stimulating the economy. -
AFDC Expanded
Although Reagan's budget cut many federal programs, some programs, ironically expanded. The Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) increased its beneficiaries to included women with unborn children in the third trimester. Also, federal tac credits for the poor increased. -
Boland Amendment
The Boland Amendment was passed in response to the CIA attempting to overthrow the government in Nicaragua. It forbids the CIA or any other agency or entity invovled in intelligence activites to spend money to support the Contras. -
SDI- Star Wars
Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiatice, also known as "SDI" or "Star Wars," proposed the construction of an intricate anti-missile system that would be controlled by computers. It would capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer space. His oppenents believed it was a rekindled arms race. -
US involvement with Grenada/Latin America
Reagan launched "Operation Fury" and sent a high power force of American troops to the island of Grenada where a military coup had overthrown the previous government. U.S. troops quickly defeated the coup leader which asserted Reagan's assurance to express U.S. dominance in the Carribean. -
Iran-Contra Affair
It was a scandal of the Reagan adminstration. It had sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon. This money was then used to train and arm Contras in Nicaragua, even though this assitance has been banned by Congress. There was talk of Reagan's impaeachment, but it ended when his aides took the blame. -
Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall! speech
On this date, Reagean gave his inspiring "Mr. Gorbachev. Tear down this Wall!" speech. He challenged the Soviet Union Prime Minister Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, which symbolized the Cold War between the two countries. Its publicization helped end the Cold War. -
INF treaty signed
On this day, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty was signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. It banned all intermediate-range nuclear missles from Europe. Tensions from he Cold War were beginning to melt. -
Election of 1988
George H.W. was the Republican Party nominee. The Democratic Party selected Michael Dukakis. The campaigns were distasteful. Bush portrayed Dukaki as a spineless liberal who allowed crime without punishment. In the end, Bush won a massive victory.