Richard Nixon Elected President of the United States
Richard Nixon was elected President of the United States on November 5, 1968. -
Nixon Inauguration
President Richard Nixon was inaugurated as the 37th President of the United States. -
Memo Written by Young and Krogh in Response to Pentagon Papers Leak
David Young and Egil Krogh wrote a memo suggesting the formation of the "White House Plumbers" in response to the leak of the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg. The White House Plumbers were a covert White HOuse special investigations unit established during the Nixon presidency. They were tasked to stop the leaking of classified information. -
"White House Plumbers" break into Ellsberg's Office
A couple of men that were a part of teh White House Plumbers, Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy, break into the offices of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist Lewis Fielding looking for material that might discredit Ellsberg. This was under the direction of John Ehrlichman and his staff withing the White House. This was the Plumber's first major operation. -
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP)
By this time, the Plumbers were assigned to the Committee to Re-Elect the President, but were frustrated with the lack of assignments. Any plans they suggested were being rejected by CREEP. Liddy and Hunt, two members of CREEP, complained to the White House, specifically Charles Colson. Colson set events that would lead to the Watergate break-ins a few months later. -
New FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover dies and L. Patrick Gray is appointed the new FBI director. -
Plumbers Arrested for Burglary
Some Plumbers are arrested at 2:30am in the process of burglarizing and planting surveillance bugs in the DNC offices at the Watergate Building Complex. -
Bob Woodward Report
Based on a tip, Bob Woodward submits a report in the Washington Times that one of the burglars had Howard Hunt in his address book and possessed checks signed by him and Hunt was connected to Charles Colson. -
Burglar Indictment
Hunt, Liddy and the Watergate burglars are indicted by a federal grand jury. -
Nixon Wins Election
Richard Nixon is re-elected as President. -
Watergate Committee
The Senate Watergate Committee begins nationally televised hearings. -
Taped Conversations and Phone Calls
Alexander Butterfield, deputy assistant to Nixon, reveals that all conversations and phone calls in Nixon's office have been taped since 1971. Nixon in the next few days orders all White House taping systems be disconnected. -
Saturday Night Massacre
Nixon fires special prosecutor Cox. Ruckelshaus and Elliot Richardson refuse to comply and resign. -
Nixon Speech
Nixon gives "I'm not a crook" speech at a televised press conference at Disney World. A few months later Herbert Porter, a Nixon campaign aide, please guilty to perjury. -
Nixon Co-Conspirator
Nixon is named as an unindicted co-conspirator in an indictment against seven former presidential aides. -
Impeachment Hearings
Impeachment hearings begin for Nixon before the House Judiciary Committee. -
Congress Moves to Impeach
House Judiciary Committee passes articles of impeachment. The "smoking gun" of the recordings is released that detail how Nixon was planning to block investigations. -
Nixon Resignation
Nixon resigns as President and Gerald Ford becomes President.