7 Men Charged for breaking in
Seven men where charged and plead guilty in multiple differnet crimes. Also, many men and woman that worked in the white house that helped with the re-election of Nixon were also found guilty during burglar's trials many people started to question if Nixon knew the whole time. -
Watergate Scandal
Nixon started hearing that people where questioning his involvment so he hired his staff to make a full investigation. Haldeman and Erlichman resigned their job in the White House, including the attorney general. John Dean got fired and a new lawyer was appointed to investigate the situation -
Butterfield's Bombshell
Senate committee began investigating, holding hearings on the television. Multiple people (Millions) watched hoping for answers from host Senetor Howard Baker the Tennessee Republican -
Executive Privilege
Recordings of private conferences and things this gave the president to hold the tapes and not give them up. Gave him the right to keep official conversations and meetings private. -
Nixon releases the tapes with 18 minutes of one of the tapes missing, as if he had something to hid. -
Saturday Night Massecure
On this day Nixon and his staff released portions of the tapes, they cut out what they didn't want people to see/hear. One tape was missing 18 minutes. The answers everyone was looking for the answer to wasn't there. Nixon had Genereal Elliot Richardson fire Prosecutor Cox. Richardson he refused and quit his job. No one wanted to fire Prosecuter Cox. Richardson not even the assisstante. He also rigned. -
On this day the court pushed nixon to resign he gave a speech and left office.