
Watergate Scandal

  • Elections of 1963

    Elections of 1963
    Nixon elected as VP to Eisonhower for the first time
  • Period: to

    Career of nixon

    Backround and historical events of nixon and the Watergate scandal
  • Period: to

    Nixon as VP

  • Elections of 1957

    nixon re-elected as vp
  • Campaign of 1960-1962

    Nixon runs against JFK and loses
  • Presidential election for 1968

    Presidential election for 1968
    Nixon elected as president by the silent majority of conservative adults that apposed the radical counterculture
  • Period: to

    Nixon as president

  • bombing of cambodia and Laos

    bombing of cambodia and Laos
    Nixon betrays youth by escalating the war despite his promises to end it.
  • CREEP established

    CREEP established
    Comittee to Re-elect the President, a group who committed many covert criminal actions in order to sabotage the democratic campaigns against Nixon
  • 1972 presidential Election

    1972 presidential Election
    Nixon re-e;ected to presidency in a landslide victory.
  • Watergate criminals sabotage democratic office

    Watergate criminals sabotage democratic office
    5 of Nixon's CREEP's were arrested for attempting to sabotage the democratic convention in the Watergate facility. There was initially no connection to Nixon
  • The cover-up

    The cover-up
    In August of 1972, President Nixon told reporters, "no one in the White House staff, no one in this administration, presently employed, was involved in this very bizarre incident."
  • Senate investigation of Watergate

    "In February of 1973, the U.S. Senate established a Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, chaired by Sen. Sam Ervin, to investigate all of the events surrounding Watergate and other allegations of political spying and sabotage conducted on behalf of Nixon's re-election. " --
  • Nixon's Paranoia revealed

    Nixon's Paranoia revealed
    An aide of nixon's reveals that nixon had installed hidden microphones in the oval office in 1971 and they had recorded everything since then.
  • Vice president Agnew resigns

    Vice president Agnew resigns
    Agnew was accused of crimes, and as a result had to resign, unrelated to watergate affair. he was succeeded by Gerald Ford
  • Saturday Night Massacre

    Saturday Night Massacre
    The satuday night massacre was when Nixon decided he wanted an investigator Archibald cox fired, and told his attorney general elliot richardson, to do the firing. Richardson refused and instead resigned. So Nixon hired a man by the name of Bork to fire archibald.
  • Nixon surrenders tapes

    nixon, had to turn over all the white house tapes he recorded, after a unanimous vote by the supreme court requiring this. He turned the tapes over to ambitious prosecutor Leon Jaworski
  • Nixon impeached

    Nixon impeached
    the supreme court charged Nixon with obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    Rather then be impeached Nixon resigns from office leaving his new VP gerald ford to be president.