Wiretap of DNC
The committee to Reelect the President plans to wiretap the phones at the Democratic National Committee HQ at the Watergate. -
Arrest at DNC
Five men are arrested for breaking into DNC. The money they carri8ed was traced directly to Nixon's reelection campaign. -
Election of 1972
Nixon wins in a landslide, and the public doesn't pay much attention to the previous events. -
The Watergate Trial
All the burglars from the break in plead or were found guilty. -
Nixon fires prosecutor
Archibald Cox, insisted that Nixon release the White House Tapes. Nixon ordered that he be fired. Beginning the Saturday Night Massacre. -
Release of tapes
Nixon released the White House tapes, but there was a missing gap. This revealed his involvement in the cover-up. -
Nixon Resigns
Nixon resigns, the first president to do so. Gerald Ford is sworn in as the new President.