Water For Elephants

By sam20
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    Around the World Historical Event #1

    Finland and the USSR stop the non-attack treaty.
  • Jacob goes to an Ivy league university, which is Cornell university.

    Jacob goes to an Ivy league university, which is Cornell university.
  • Jacob lost his parents to a tragic car crash, which caused him to miss school for a week, making him drop out of the university since he had no money to pay it off.

    Jacob lost his parents to a tragic car crash, which caused him to miss school for a week, making him drop out of the university since he had no money to pay it off.
  • Jacob went crazy, ran off without destination, in which caused him to find a train who he thought would lead him back to town or better life only to find out it was the Benzini Brothers train, in other words a circus train.

    Jacob went crazy, ran off without destination, in which caused him to find a train who he thought would lead him back to town or better life only to find out it was the Benzini Brothers train, in other words a circus train.
  • Camel presented Jacob to the circus life and Jacob started adapting to his new life as soon as possible.

    Camel presented Jacob to the circus life and Jacob started adapting to his new life as soon as possible.
  • Jacob met Marlena and fell in love with her but August was always in the way

    Jacob met Marlena and fell in love with her but August was always in the way
  • Uncle Al bought an elephant, in which, August finds out and calls it "retarded" Jacob later on takes responsibility for it along with Marlena eventually causing them to run off

    Uncle Al bought an elephant, in which, August finds out and calls it "retarded" Jacob later on takes responsibility for it along with Marlena eventually causing them to run off
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    Historical Event

    Train had crashed from the circus Jacob was working in meaning their supplies went down along with their business and it took a while to get back up
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    Historical Event: Wallace Brothers train crash

    In the book Jacob mentions the disaster that occured to their circus that was portraying the disaster that happened to another circus.
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    Historical Event: Loss of jobs in the U.S

    In the book jacob mentioned how he heard Uncle Al talking about how the money they were making wasn't cutting it so they had to get rid of some people
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    Historical Event: Great Depression

    Great depression was something that was going on during the book. The narrator of the book mentioned that the characters used the circus as an escape from all that was happening.
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    Historical Event: Prohibition

    In the book it mentions how the workers would sneak in Alcohol into the circus and often times when things would go great in performance and get drunk for the celebration.
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    Around the World Historical Event #3

    The union accepts 10% wage reduction
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    Around the World Historical Event #5

    Adolf Hitler becomes dictator
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    Around the World Historical Event #2

    The Japanese force the attack on shanghai.
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    Around the World Historical Event #4

    Explosion in coal mine in Boissevain, Virginia. Left 48 dead.