Washington's Timeline

By 36872
  • Military Salute at Fort George

    Military Salute at Fort George
    A military fired near Fort George.
  • Washington's Inaugural Suit

    Washington's Inaugural Suit
    George Washington wore this suit to his first Inauguration as president of the United States on April 30, 1789. George Washington wore it as a symbol to hope.
  • Ringing Bells

    All New York City, church bells ring for half an hour.
  • Who Was There?

    Who Was There?
    There were hundreds of citizens waiting at Federal Hall. The oath would be managed by Chancellor of the state of New York City.
  • Escorted to Federal Hall

    Escorted to Federal Hall
    Military escort arrives at Franklin House to managed the president to Federal Hall. The ceremony includes Grand Marshall and a military of 500 men. George Washington by himself traveled to a state coach with his two assiantant.
  • Arriving at the Senate Chamber

    Arriving at the Senate Chamber
    A number of people arrive at Federal Hall thirty minutes later. George Washington procees to Senate to a large room where the two house of congress waited for their new head of state.
  • Taking the Oath

    Taking the Oath
    Adams having the president-elect that both houses were ready to deal with to take the oath of office. George Washington took the oath with his hand on the Bible and kissed the Bible after taking the oath.
  • Washington's First Inaugural Address

    Washington's First Inaugural Address
  • Dinner Alone at the Presidential Mansion

    Dinner Alone at the Presidential Mansion