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Washington adams

Washington and Adams Administrations Annotated Timeline

  • Inauguration of George Washington

    Inauguration of George Washington
    George Washington officially becomes the first president of the United States
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The Americans largely supported the French Revolution due to a belief in the strength in democracy. They also believed if France ushered in democracy, the ties between them could grow stronger.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    This act, signed by George Washington, provided the organization of the judiciary branch of the United States.
  • 1st Bank Of The United States Chartered

    1st Bank Of The United States Chartered
    Establishment of the Bank of the United States was led by Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton believed the national bank was necessary to stabilize and improve the nation's credit and to improve the handling of the financial business of the United States government.
  • Period: to

    The Whiskey Rebellion

    A tax protest which forced Washington to mobilize the militias in four states. Protesters had been using violence to stop federal officials from collecting the tax on the whiskey.
  • Washington creates his cabinet

    Washington creates his cabinet
    Washington surrounded himself with some of the greatest thinkers in America. They were forced to make Washington's mind up in one way or the other on many issues including the National Bank, joining the French Revolution, and neutrality.
  • Washington's Declaration of Neutrality

    Washington's Declaration of Neutrality
    Washington declared that America would not fight in the war between France and Britain. It also threatened to prosecute any American who helped France or Britain in the war.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    An American treaty with Britain where it was decided that Britain would pull some of their troops out of the Northwest Territory and the US could begin to trade with India and some of the Caribbean colonies.
  • Pinckney Treaty

    Pinckney Treaty
    The Pinckney Treaty established friendship between the US and Spain.
  • Washington's Farewell Adress

    Washington's Farewell Adress
    George Washington announced he would not take on a third term as president and set a precedent for the rest of American presidents throughout history.
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    Political Parties Created

    As America grew as a country, so did the views of the people. Eventually, this caused a few distinct political parties to form. Beginning with the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans and eventually forming into the Republicans, Democrats, and Whigs.
  • John Adams Elected President

    John Adams Elected President
    John Adams, former Vice President under George Washington, was elected the second president of the United States after Washington surrendered leadership after his second term. He beat Thomas Jefferson in a tight race that led to Jefferson being elected Vice President.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    American diplomats were sent to France to negotiate a treaty, however, French negotiators, X, Y, and Z, refused to hold formal meetings until the Americans payed a bribe to France. The Americans refused to pay which led to a quasi war with France.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts Passed

    Alien and Sedition Acts Passed
    The Alien and Sedition Acts passed by John Adams suppressed any speech against federalists and the votes of immigrants, who mostly supported Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson.
  • Thomas Jefferson Becomes President

    Thomas Jefferson Becomes President
    After serving as Vice President under John Adams, Thomas Jefferson beat his counterpart in what was known as the "Revolution of 1800" and took the presidency.