George Washington is born in West-Moreland, VA.
Washington's family moves to Ferry Farm
Augustine Washington, George's father, dies.
Lawrence, Washington's Brother-in-law, dies
Robert Dinwiddie, sends Washington on a daring mission into the Virginia wilderness to contest French claims in the Ohio Country.
Washington resigns from Virginia Command.
Washington is elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
Washington marries Martha Dandridge Custis.
Washington is appointed commander in chief of the armed forces of the United Colonies.
Declaration of Independence is signed.
Washington crosses the Deleware River.
Washington sets up winter quarters in Valley Forge
Washington chairs the Constitutional Convention to revise them.
Washington takes oath, becomes first president.
Mary Ball Washington, George's mother, dies.
Washington backs Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's plan for the national assumption of state debts.
Washington signs a bill into law that permanently places the nation's capital along the Potomac River.
Washington is re-elected president.
Washington Assumes Military Command
Washington drafts his will.
Washington passes away at Mount Vernon.