Was Westward Expansion Inevitable

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    America purchased land West of the Mississippi River from France. Thus doubling the size of the United States. This meant a huge step for expansion because there wasn't now tons of land for Americans to settle on.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This act aimed to relocate 5 southern Indian tribes to the west of the Mississippi so that colonists could claim Georgia, which is where they had lived during the time. They were eventually forced to move. The whole purpose of the act was to clear up more land for US expansion.
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    A war fought between Mexico and Texas over the Mexican government. Texas won the battle establishing them as their own republic creating more land for expansions and settlers to live.
  • Mexican America War

    Mexican America War
    This war happened following the Texas Revolution when Mexico could not back off of Texas and could not respect its republic, the American Government stepped in and fought against Mexico. This eventually led to Mexico accepting Rio Grande as it's boundary leaving everything above it for American expansion.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    An even where gold nuggets were found in the ground of the Sacramento Valley and sparked every Americans' interest. Naturally every American started making their way to California to try to get a hold of this fortune meaning many ended up settling and expanding their land and communities in California.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Getting rid of the Missouri Compromise, this act freed up land for settlement and allied those territories through sovereignty, to determine themselves if they allowed slaves or not. This was important to our topic because it created all this land in Georgia for settlers and created a stir between the territories about slavery.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    This was an act passed by the United States Congress which promised any American 160 acres of land as long as they farmed the land. This got the American people excited and they started expanding more land and building a better economy.