Wars Inside of an Unfought War

By maddy17
  • Yalta conference

    A meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin in February 1945 at Yalta. They planned the final stages of World War II and agreed on the division of Europe.
  • korean war

    The Korean War was between north and South Korea. They were fighting over what was better communism or having a democracy. At first North Korea pushed South Korea to a very small part of Korea but when the United States and other allies joined South Korea pushed North Korea to a small spot. Then china came in to help North Korea. At the end of the war the border was back at the 38th parallel where is originally started.
  • end of korean war

    40 million people died in this war for no reason when the border stayed the same.
  • American fear of communist attack

    tried to prevent what our fears would become - Fear of nuclear war would start or communists would take over the world. To stop this we fought which started the Vietnam War on November 1st 1955 which made tensions high between the US and the soviets.
  • Vietnam

    The Vietnam War was when communist North Vietnam and democratic South Vietnam fought over the idea that either communism was better of have a democracy was better. The war started in 1957 and ended in 1973. South Vietnam/United States ended up losing the war.
  • Space race

    In the late 1950s, the United States and the Soviet Union competed to see who could get the first satellite in space. The soviets won to get it into space.
  • U2 incidednt

    On May 1st, 1960 an American u-2 spy plane was shot down by the Soviets while it was trying to spy on the Soviet Union.
  • 1980 Olympics (hockey)

    Ice hockey at the 1980 Winter Olympics was held at the Olympic Arena and the Olympic Fieldhouse in Lake Placid, New York. Twelve teams competed in the tournament. . The United States won the gold medal, including a win over the Soviet Union that became known as the "Miracle on Ice".
  • First gulf war

    A war fought in 1991 in which a coalition of countries led by the United States destroyed much of the military capability of Iraq and drove the Iraqi army out of Kuwait also called Persian Gulf War.
  • United states debt

    The united states became 4 trillion dollars in debt after the war ended