Warriors in Japan play with pointy metal and war leader try to become nation leader

  • Period: 1192 to 1199

    Beginning of the Shogunate

    Minamoto no Yorimoto forms the military shogunate and becomes shogun only 7 years before his demise would Japan be ruled under this military power.
  • Period: 1202 to 1203

    The Sequel to the Shogun

    Minamoto no Yorie the second shogun only spends a year in his life ruling over Japan, short-lived for a second leader.
  • Period: 1203 to 1219

    Sanetomo the 3rd shogun

    Minamoto no Sanetomo is made shogun during this time. He at least is the longest shogun out of these 3. He'd technically be 11 due to being born on the 17th of September in 1192 and assassinated at the age of 27 on the 13th of Febuary.