Warren's Life

  • Birth

    Warren Edward Buffett is born on August 30,1930 in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Age 11

    Age 11
    At 11 years old, Buffett buys his first stock – 6 shares of Cities Service (now known as CITGO – an Oil company) at $38 per share. He bought 3 for himself and 3 for his sister Doris.
  • Age 19 to 24

    Buffett’s savings reaches $9800.
    In 1954, Benjamin Graham called him again and offered him a job for $12,000 a year. During this period, Buffett was able to also work closely with Walter Schloss.
  • Age 32

    Age 32
    He collects a few hundreds of thousand dollars. Buffett partnerships is worth $7.2 million. Buffett then merges all partnerships into one and rename it as Buffett Partnerships Ltd.
  • Age 35

    Buffett invests $4 million in Walt Disney after a meeting with Walt Disney himself which is almost 5% of the company. Buffett takes full control of Berkshire Hathaway and names Ken Chase to be the CEO.
  • Age 38

    Partnership is worth $104 million.
  • Age 44

    Due to falling stock prices, the value of Berkshire Hathaway portfolio begins to fall. Warren’s personal network falls by more than 50%.
  • Age 53

    Age 53
    Berkshire portfolio is worth $1.3 billion.
    Begins with a stock price of $775 and ends the year at $1310.
    Warren’s personal net worth has ballooned to $620 million and he makes the Forbes millionaire list for the first time.
  • Age 57

    Age 57
    The stock market crashes in October and Berkshire loses 25% of its value.
    The stock prices goes from $4,200 to $3,100 and Buffett’s wealth falls by $320 million.
  • Age 75

    Age 75
    Berkshire stock crosses $90,000 per share.
  • Age 87

    Age 87
    In December, the price of one share of Berkshire Hathaway stock tops $300,000 for the first time.
    The market value of the company is $489.4 billion.