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Warren Buffett's Life

By qbsheba
  • Birth

    Born on the August 30th 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Bought Stocks

    Bought Stocks
    Buffett bought 6 stocks in total at age of 11 $38 per share on an oil company known as CITGO
  • School and Work

    School and Work
    Began going to school at Columbia University and learns from Ben Graham although he isn't offered a job he is willing to work for free
  • Bussiness time

    Bussiness time
    Buffett created partnership and was managing 5 partnerships from home
  • Real estate

    Real estate
    Buffett makes charles Vice president of Berkshire Hathaway (real estate)
  • Disney

    He invests $4 million in Walt Disney almost 5% of the company
  • Big money

    Big money
    His partnership in Berkshire Hathaway is worth $104 million
  • SHUT DOWN!!!!

    SHUT DOWN!!!!
    Buffett shuts down Berkshire Hathaway’s business.
  • Married

    He got married at age 72 to Astrid Menks
  • Married

    Warren Buffet tgot married to Astrid Menks at age of 76 after the death of Susan Buffett in 2004
  • Happy Man

    Happy Man
    Happy man with money invested in his company, still making big bucks