Warren Buffett

  • Birth

    Warren Buffett born in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Entrepreneurial Venture (one of many)

    Entrepreneurial Venture (one of many)
    Buffett, as a sophomore in high school, begins a "business" operating pinball machines in local barbershops with a friend
  • College Enrollment

    College Enrollment
    Buffett enrolls at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business
  • College Completion

    College Completion
    Buffett earns a Master of Science degree in Economics from Columbia University's Business School (ended up at Columbia after series of transfers from Wharton)
  • Makin' Money

    Makin' Money
    Buffett becomes a millionaire (had $1.025 million of the $7.1785 million earned by his partnerships)
  • Berkshire Hathaway

    Berkshire Hathaway
    Buffett begins buying shares of Berkshire Hathaway from its owner, Seabury Stanton
  • Berkshire Takeover

    Berkshire Takeover
    Buffett buys enough Berkshire shares to take over company and names a new president to run it (Ken Chace)
  • Makin' More Money

    Makin' More Money
    Buffett becomes a billionaire when Berkshire begins selling class A shares (common stock accompanied by more voting rights in company)
  • Philanthropy

    Buffett announces that he plans to give away 85% of his Berkshire holdings to five foundations through annual gifts
  • Second Marriage

    Second Marriage
    Buffett marries Astrid Menks, his longtime companion, on his 76th birthday
  • Georgetown Presentation

    Georgetown Presentation
    Buffett gives presentation to Georgetown University students in which he emphasizes the issue of wealth inequality in the US