Warren Buffet Timeline

By ab@356
  • Birth

    Warren Buffet was born on this day in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Warren Buffet buys his first stock

    Warren Buffet buys his first stock
    He paid $38.25 each for three shares of Cities Service preferred. It dropped to $27 but then went to $40 and then $200. He learned patience.
  • Marrige

    He married Susan Thompson
  • First Buffet Partnership Started

    First Buffet Partnership Started
    He started a partnership with seven investors, including his father-in-law, his sister Doris, his aunt Alice, and a college roommate.
  • The "Dumbest Stock I ever Bought"

    The "Dumbest Stock I ever Bought"
    Buffet Buys Berkshire Hathaway.
  • See's Candies

    See's Candies
    Warren Buffet buys See's Candies for $25 million. It's become one of his favorite investments, a "dream company"
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Warren Buffet meets Bill Gates for the first time. A deep friendship formed from this meeting.
  • Susan Buffet Passes Away

    Susan Buffet Passes Away
    Warren Buffet's Wife Passes Away
  • Gates Foundation

    Gates Foundation
    Warren Buffet teams with Gates Foundation to give away almost all his wealth.
  • Astrid Menks

    Astrid Menks
    Warren Buffet marries Astrid Menks.
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Presidential Medal of Freedom
    Obama awards Buffet the Presidental Medal of Freedom
  • Prostate Cancer

    Prostate Cancer
    He reveals he has been diagnosed with stage I prostate cancer. He gets treatment in 2012.