Warren Buffet

  • Born

    Born in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Childhood

    Even as a kid Warren Buffet had a keen interest in business. He created many small business as a kid many of which were successful.
  • Collage

    Enrolled in Collage at age 16
  • Earned a Masters degree

    Earned a Masters degree
    Earned a masters in business at 21
  • Formed Buffett Partnership Ltd.

    Formed Buffett Partnership Ltd.
    Dissolved in 1969 to focus of Berkshire Hathaway
  • Berkshire Hathaway

    Berkshire Hathaway
    Investing company. Extremely succsesful
  • coca cola

    coca cola
    Bought a majority amount of stock in company and assumed control until 2006
  • Charity

    Gave 85% of his fortune to charity. Became the biggest act of charity in U.S history
  • Cancer

    Developed prostate cancer in July and successfully beat the disease in Novmember
  • Purcheses

    Purchased H.J. Heinz for 28 billion