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Warren Buffett

  • Birth of of Warren Buffett

    Birth of of Warren Buffett
    Born on August 30, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska. Where his father worked as a stock broker.
  • Childhood Business

    Childhood Business
    At the age of 13 Buffett was running his own business, selling his own horse-racing tip sheet. He showed talented math skills at a young age.
  • Formation of Buffett Partnership Ltd.

    Formation of Buffett Partnership Ltd.
    Buffet created the Firm "Buffett Partnership Ltd.". He then sought our undervalued companies, which helped make millions.
  • Began Accumulating Stock

    Began Accumulating Stock
    In the early 60's Buffett started to own large amount of stock in companies. He was very interested in Berkshire Hathaway.
  • Control of Berkshire Hathaway

    Control of Berkshire Hathaway
    Beginning of one the greatest holding companies to this day.
  • End of Buffet Partnership Ltd.

    End of Buffet Partnership Ltd.
    Dissolved Buffett Partnership Ltd. in order to further focus on Berkshire Hathaway.
  • Coca-Cola

    Began directing Coca Cola until 2006. He also directed Citigroup Global Marketing Holdings, Graham Holdings Company, and the Gillette Company.
  • Emphasis on Charity

    Emphasis on Charity
    Buffett announces that he will be giving away all of his fortune to charity. 85% of it will be going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Beating Cancer

    Beating Cancer
    Buffet was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He was successful in treatment, beating the cancer.
  • Health Care Venture

    Health Care Venture
    On January 30th, Berkshire Hathaway along with Amazon and J.P. Morgan announced plans to team up and form a new health care company for their US workers.