• James Prendergast

    James Prendergast
    James Prendergast was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, in 1789. In 1803, he joined the 100th Regiment of Foot of the British Army and came to Canada soon afterwards. James worked his way up the ranks and by 1812 was promoted to staff sergeant, the paymaster sergeant for the regiment.
  • Sir Isaac Brock

    Sir Isaac Brock
    Iaac Bock was born on 1769 Oct, 6th in Saint Peter Port. Brock was the captin of the british army and brock disided to team up with the natives beacase the usa was afrad of them. Brock died from a muskit to the hart in 1812 Oct,13th.
  • Battle of queenston hieghts

    Battle of queenston hieghts
    Queenston Hieghts was lead by Sir Isaac Brock he lead his army into a extrodanery vicitory but sadly Brock died when Brock died the men ceep saying reveng the genarl they fought the War in Detroit. I think that Brocks death modivated the army to win there Battles
  • James FitzGibbon

    James FitzGibbon
    Born in Ireland, James FitzGibbon was raised on tales of the military deeds of his Norman ancestors. At the age of 15, James joined the local Yeomanry Corps and he became sergeant before his 18th birthday. In 1798, he joined the regular army, enlisting in the 49th Regiment of Foot commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Brock.
  • Tecumseh

    Tecumseh was born on 1768 march as a nachle leader he was the cheff that fought with the brits becuase the usa ferd the natives.Tecumseh died 1813 Oct 5th when he died his trops retreted becuase they did not now what they would do with out there cheff. Tecumseh brouther and dad died in the revaltionary War.
  • The Battle of lacolle Mills

    The Battle of lacolle Mills
    After the St. Lawrence campaign had ended late the previous year with the British victory at the Battle of Crysler's Farm, the defeated American Army under Major General James Wilkinson went into winter quarters at French Mills, New York, only just inside the United States.
  • Lundy's Lane

    Lundy's Lane
    The Battle of Lundy's Lane, during the War of 1812, was fought between American troops and British regulars assisted by Canadian fencibles and militia on the sultry evening of 25 July 1814, almost within sight of Niagara Falls.On July 25th 1814. Major General Jacob Brown invaded Upper Canada across the Niagara River and quickly seized Fort Erie.
  • Mary Madden

    Mary Madden
    Mary Madden was born in Antrim Ireland, 1770, and at the age of twenty married Royal Artillery gunner, Dominic Henry. In 1803, shortly after being shipped back to a post in Niagara, Dominic became a retired pensioner and was appointed keeper of the first lighthouse on the Great Lakes in the Town of Niagara (Niagara-on-the-Lake).
  • William Hull

    William Hull
    William Hull was born June 24, 1753, in Derby conn.After graduating from Yale College, he studied law in Litchfield and was admitted to the bar in 1775. That July he joined the American army In March 1805 President Thomas Jefferson appointed Hull governor of the newly organized Michigan Territory. Hull was instrumental in obtaining land cessions from the Indians, which added to their growing unrest. Willian died Nov 29 1825
  • Charles de Salaberry

    Charles de Salaberry
    Lieutenant Colonel Charles-Michel d'Irumberry de Salaberry was born on November 19, 1778 in Beauport, Québec. He was a French-Canadian of the seigneurial class who served as an officer of the British army in Lower Canada (now the province of Quebec) and raised a unit of light infantry from among his primarily French Canadian compatriots, known as the Canadian Voltige.