
  • 3000 BCE

    First use of the spear

    First created and used by the Sumerian armies. It had the form of a pike.
  • 3000 BCE

    First use of the bow and arrow

    The bow and arrow were first used by the egyptians. They were used for mostly hunting and warfare.
  • 900 BCE

    First domestication of horses

    Horses were first mounted by the nomadic Asians. They used their horses and their archery skills to attack the ancient greeks.
  • Period: 499 BCE to 499

    Greco Persian Wars

    It began when Persia invaded Greece. The Persians invaded because the cities Athens and Eretria supported the Ionian Revolt. Persia wanted political and territorial conquest and caused the wars between Greece and Persia.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War was fought between the Athens and Sparta. The country Sparta began to fear that the Athens were gaining to much power. The two separate beings had cultures that went against each other. In 440 BCE, Sparta's fear grew outrageous and they attacked the Athens. Sparta won.
  • 300 BCE

    The invention of the Trebuchet

    Many historians believe the original trebuchet was a war engine invented in Ancient China. It was used to propel a missile like object.
  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars were three wars fought between Rome and Carthage. The first was was fought over the lands of the islands Corsica and Sicily. The second war involved Spain, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and North Africa. In the third war, Rome won and enslaved the Carthage people.
  • 904

    The invention of gun powder

    Gunpowder was invented in the Eurasia area. It spread from china to different areas all over Europe.
  • Period: 1095 to 1492


    The Crusades were a bunch of religious wars. The European Christians were against the Muslim religion. The Christians wanted to gain back the holy land located in the eastern Mediterranean. These Christians wanted to capture and change these territoires christian, which they had been previously.
  • 1180

    The invention of the long bow

    It was invented by the Celt army in Wales. It is 6 feet tall and 5/8 inches long.
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    The One Hundred Years War

    The Hundred Years' War were a bunch of conflicts from 1337 to 1453
    caused by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England who were against the French House of Valois because they were fighting over the right to rule the Kingdom of France. Each side had many allies during the war.
  • 1390

    The development of the first hand cannon

    The hand cannon was first introduced in Europe. It took two soldiers to operate one hand cannon.
  • 1501

    The development of the flintlock musket

    It was first created in the early 16th century. It was invented in France.
  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire

    Hernan Cortes was an explorer for Spain that had conquered many foreign territories. Cortes heard of the infamous, strong, and undefeated Aztec Empire. Cortes decided to visit the empire. The Aztec empire had a friendly greeting but Cortes did not have friendly intentions. The Spanish army raided the city, kidnapped the emperor and enslaved the native. He claimed the new land property of Spain.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    The Thirty Years War was a religious civil war between the Protestants and Roman Catholics in Germany and involved the Austrian Habsburgs and the German princes. Each group began fighting for the power to rule Europe.
  • The development of the first submarine

    The first working prototype was built in the 17th century. It was used to dive 15 feet into the River Thames.
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    James 1 was the king of England. He did not expect parliament to do anything without his permission. James ended Parliament and they did not speak for 10 years until James wanted to arrange a marriage between his son and a spanish princess. Charles, James's son hated Parliament as well. Soon the two split up into groups and began to quarrel over political issues.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Wars

    The Napoleonic wars were conflicts led by Napoleon with the French empire and its allies against European powers. First Napoleon defeated Austria. The Napoleonic Wars ended with the Second Treaty of Paris. It occured after the Battle of Waterlog. Napoleon had lost this battle and the Bourbon Dynasty ruled France again.
  • The development of the revolver handgun

    It is called a revolver because of the revolving cylinder inside the gun. You have the ability to load 5-6 bullets into the gun.
  • Period: to

    The Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion was the revolt of the Quing dynasty in China. This revolt was fought over religious and economical convictions. A man named Hong Xiuquan was stricken with fever and had a dream that evil was taking over mankind. Hong eventually spread this into a religion and it spread fast. Soon Hong complained that the evil was in the Quing dynasty. Hong gave his army weapons and Quing dynasty and his followers clashed in war.
  • Period: to

    The American Civil War

    The United States was divided. The North half of the US was industrial. The South half relied on agricultural. The North consisted of abolitionists, or people who were against slavery. Slavery was a necessity to the South.The South needed it for their agriculture Then Abraham Lincoln was elected president. Lincoln was against slavery and the South felt like he was against them. After the election, the south separated from the north. With this, Lincoln took action, and sent troops to the south.
  • The invention of the first machine gun

    The English found no use for the gun. Then it's creator Hiram Maxim took it to Germany and the Germans accepted it
  • The invention of the first iron-clad war ship

    The first ship made of iron was used in the american civil war. It sailed mostly on the Mississippi River
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    An uprising of northern China against the spread of Western and Japanese culture and influence. The movement was against foreigners and christians. This rebellion protested by burning christian churches and destroying the Peking-Tientsin railway.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    Air to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated. Austria-Hungary and many other countries blamed the Serbian government for his death. With that Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Serbia geared up to fight against Austria-Hungary. The US joined the war when Russian sunk commercial boats. In the end, the Allies won.
  • The development of the first fighter air craft

    The first fighter air craft was flown by the French in WW1. It was later destroyed by the Germans.
  • The development of the first tank

    The first tank was a prototype name Little Willie. The tank showed tremendous success on the battlefield for the British.
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil War was fought between the Red army of communists and the White Army of anticommunists. Nicholas 11 was assassinated and was the last emperor of Russia. Many Russian countries claimed independence for themselves. The country Finland did to and this broke out into a civil war. In the end, this conflict formed the Soviet Union.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    The first world war caused issues for the second world war. A new dictator rose from the bottom and brought back a critically unstable Germany with him. A man name Adolph Hitler was a soldier in WW1. He was very angry at how the war ended. So he created the Nazi Party and became the leader of Germany. He saved Germany's army and financial wealth. Hitler signed alliance agreements with Italy and Japan to gain more power. After that, he invaded Poland, and the war began.
  • The use of the first atomic bomb

    The atomic bomb has only been used once in history. It was used by the United States against Japan.
  • The development of the first AK-47

    It was first created by a Russian working with the Soviet Union. The most widely used shoulder weapon in the globe.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The Cold War was a war of paranoia and propaganda between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Soviet Union and the United States were allies in WW2. The Soviet Union was communists and wanted to spread communism around the globe.The US was against this and attempted to stop countries from becoming communist. Missile threats were shared between the two countries and they both competed against each other in a space race.
  • When the first hydrogen bomb was tested

    The hydrogen bomb was first tested by the United States. The explosion was called "Mike Shot."
  • Period: to

    Rwandan genocide

    The genocide took place in the Rwandan Civil War, a war between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front. The Rwandan suicide was a mass murder of the people of Tutsi, Twa, and Hutu in Rwanda.
  • Period: to

    Second Congo War

    The Great African War, the aligned forces of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Chad, Mai-Mai, Hutu against the Tutsi-aligned forces of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi. The war was fought over trade, politics, and other things.
  • The first developments of the M. O. A. B.

    This bomb in non nuclear. First used by the US Army in Afghanistan.