
War World 2

By Amdasha
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was a suprize to Amarica. They only knew about it seconds before it happened.
  • Pearl Harbor Reaction

    Pearl Harbor Reaction
    On December 8th, 1941, President Rooswevelt asked the Congress to declare war on Japan. He called Japan's act a "deliberation deception." He asked them during a speech he gave, which was the most memorable speech of his career.
  • Commander at Pearl Harbor Canned

    Commander at Pearl Harbor Canned
    Rear Admiral Husband E. Kimmel was relieved of his duty of Command of the US Pacific Fleet. It was due tot he Shake-UP of Officers in the Wake of the Pearl Harbor disaster. He started out in 1915, and enjoyed his time in office.
  • Churchill Arrived in Washington D.C.

    Churchill Arrived in Washington D.C.
    On December 22, 2941, Churchhill arrived in Washington. He came to discuss with Roosevelt about a war strategy. Since the attack on Pearl Harbor, it meant that they were officially involved in the war.
  • Singapore Falls To Japan

    Singapore Falls To Japan
    Singapore fell to Japanese forces. Singapore had belonged to British Colony since the 19th century. In July of 1941 Japanese telegraphed thwir intentions to transfer from British to its own burgeoning empire.
  • Casablanca Conference

    Casablanca Conference
    Churchill and Roosevelt meet in Casablanca, Morocco along with Combined Chiefs of Staff to discuss the next phase of the war. They wanted to be prepared for anything. This meeting was the first time an American President left American land during the war.
  • Japanese Begin Evacuation of Guadalcanal

    Japanese Begin Evacuation of Guadalcanal
    On this day the Japanese forces decide to bring forces onto Guadalcanal Island. They were defeated by marienes. The forces began to withdrawl after the Japanese Emperor finally lets them.
  • U.S. Troops Capture the Marshall Islands

    U.S. Troops Capture the Marshall Islands
    American forces take control of the Marshal Islands. Marshal Islands were long occupied by the Japanese as a base for Military operations. They had been there since World War 1.
  • Soviets Liberate Auschwitz

    Soviets Liberate Auschwitz
    On January 26, 1945 Soviet troops began to enter Auschwits, Poland. They were freeing the survivors of the Death Camps. They finally revieled to the world what the Nazi's were really doing.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    America wanted to get back at Japan for attacking their land. So on August 6th, 1945, they finally got revenge. As a reaction to the attack on Pearl Harbor, America dropped an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima.