Cuban war for independence
Spain responded to insurgency by sending 10,000 soldiers to Cuba in 1895. The United States was drawn to the conflict in 1898, the end of the spanish rule became a reality. -
Cuban war for idependence
Unlike the Tens Years war, the Cuban Independence movement was not ignored by the United States in the 1890's. Journalists like Wiliam Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer took interest in the Cuban struggles by using dramatic and sensationalist stories to sell millions of newspapers. Hearst and other journalists had got the americans attention on the sufferings of the Cuban people.
Leaders of the Cuban revolution was Maximo Gomez, Calixto Garcia, and Jose Marti. -
Period: to
War with Spain
Reconcentration Policy
General Weyler sen thousands of Cubans into concentration camps. Under Weyler's policy the rural population had eight days to move into designated camps located in fortified towns, any person who failed was to be shot. The housing was decaying, abandoned, roofless and virtually unihabitable. Food was scarce and disese was spread. 1/3 of population was sent to camps. over 400,000 Cubans died at camp. -
Revolt in the Phillipines
In the fall of 1896, the Fillipino had revolted against the Spanish Rule that controlled the Phillipines that was controlled in the 16th century. Led by Emilio Aguinaldo the revolt carried the Fillipinos to anticipated war with Spain and unanticipated war with the U.S. Began with the Suez Canal of 1896. With access to Europe, they were exposed to new ideas about freedom and questioned the Spanish Rule. -
McKinley Inaugurated
On March, 4, 1897, William McKinley, Jr, becamse the 25th president of the U.S. The U.S had avoided in becoming embroiled in the Cuban situation since the Grant adminstartion. Just thriteen months after his inauguration he was drawn into conflict. In media rports of Cuba suffering, he called Spain to find a humane and peaceful solution to the insurrection. In April, 1898, he abandoned his failed diplomatic efforts and asked congress for permission to intervene in Cuba. -
Roosevelt Appoinest Assistant Secretary of the Navy
McKinley appointed Thoedore Roosevelt as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. -
McKinley ask Congress for aid for Cuba
Reports of a horiffic famine and disease in Cuba prompted a response from the U.S government. McKinley was disturbed by the 1897 effects of Spain's reconsentration policy and appealed for humanitarian aid for starving Cubans. He called for donations to Red Cross. He labled the Spain reconsentration policy as 'extermination'. McKinley did not call for military intervention until April 1898, his idea of intervention reveal that he had been building for many months. -
Letter Scandal
The letter fell into the hands of Cuban rebels who sent the letter to Cuban Junta abroad. The Cuban expatriots took the letter to the U.S Secretary of State William R. Day, and exposed Dupuy De Lomes insults. William Randolph Hearst published the letter on Feb. 9, with the headline" the worst insult to the U.S in history." the insults filled the news across the country. The U.S public was outraged. Mckinley demanded an apology. Letter scandal left Spain demonized. -
Letter Scandal
A siezed spanish letter caused an international scandal that fueled anti-Spanish and pro-war feelings in the U.S. spanish ambassador Enrique Dupuy Le Lome wrote a personal letter to his friend Jose Canalejas who was in Cuba. The letter contained rude comments about Mckinley and his policies concerning cuba. It was said that " It shows once more that McKinley is weak and catering to the rabble and, besides, a low politician who desires to leave a door opens to himself to stand well with the jingo -
War with Spain
The U.S had millions of dollars invested in businesses with Cuba. There were many U.S citizens and residence there. U.S also traded goods with Cuba. In 1898, the U.S went to Cuba to protect their businesses. The U.S declared war on Spain after the U.S warship, The Maine, exploded and sank on Feb. 15, 1898 while visiting Havana, Cuba. Led by Commdore George Dewey, he defeted the Spanish fleet there. -
BattleShip U.S.S Maine Explodes
Battleship U.S.S Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, killing 268 men shocking the American populace. of the 2/3 of the crew perished, 200 bodies were recovered and 76 identifed. Many assumed the Spanish was responsible for Maines destruction. Maine was destroyed by a submerged mine. Blame was never formally on the Spanish but implication was clear. It was a significant force that propelled the U.S into the Spanish-American war. -
Senator proctor exposes Spain's brutality in Cuba
Senator Redfield Proctor delivered one of the most significant speeches of the Spanish-American War.After an observation of Cuba, he returned to the U.S and told about Cuba's bleak situation.A population of one million six thousand, two hundred thousand people had died within the Spanish forts.He said " the entire population of Cuba,stuggles for freedom and deliverance from the worst misgovernenment from which i have ever had knowledge." -
Congress declares war
Months of tension had between the U.S and Cuba climaxed into war.April 11, 1898, McKinley asked Congress for permission to use military force in Cuba.Middle of April,U.S.S North Atlantic Squadron blockaded Cuba.Early May, Commodore Dewey defeted Spanish fleet in Manilla Bay.War with Spain continued in summer of 1899.Spain and U.S signed a peace protocol and ended the war.Dewey attacked the Spanish,forcing a surrender after the peace protocol already signed. -
Dewey's victory in the Phillipines
One of the most significant events of the Spanish-American War. On April 25, 1898, the squadron had left Hong Kong and sailed towards the Spanish fleet in Manilla bay. They had sailed as a single column into Manilla bay on May, 1. Dewey's squadron had easily defeated the Spanish and bloackaded them and the bay. Dewey became one of the war's most celebrated heros. -
Roosevelt resigns as Assistant Secretary of State
Roosevelt left Washington and joined Colonel Leonard Wood's first U.S Volunteer Calvary. Also known as the Rough Riders. He was serving with some of the few who saw combat. He fought troops at the Battle of Las Guasimas, San Juan Heights, El Caney, and led calvary charge up Kettle Hill. After Mckinley died, he ran for president and became the 26th president of the United States -
U.S troops land in Cuba
on June, 22, 1898, the first U.S troops landed on Cuban land. For several months, U.S troops were stationed in Tampa, Florida. General William had chosen this staging ground for eventual troop deployment to Cuba. Approximatley, 25,000 U.S troops were stationed there. Tampa was chosen because of its close proximity to Cuba, railroads, and its deep bay. -
Victory in San Juan Heights
Military acheived the most significant land victory of the Spanish-American War.On June, 22, 1898, General William R.Shafter and the Fifth Corps landed in the Daiguiri to begin the land approach to San Juan. When the U.S troops won the battle of San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill, the siege and Spanish surrender of Santiago ad followed. -
Spanish surrender Santiago
May 19,1898, Spanish fleet Admiral Pascual Cervera, arrived in Santiago harbor on the southern coast of Cuba. U.S Naval squadrons in the Atlantic blockaded the harbor entrance. To support the operation by land, the U.S troops(including the Rough Riders) disembarked east of the city and penetrated its outer defences.Ensuing battle all the Spamish ships came under a heavy fire from the U.S fleet and were beached in a burning or sinking condition.Two weeks later Spanish surrendered. -
Spain signs peace protocol
A protocol was made and signed on August 12,1898 by General William.R.Day, Secretary of State of the U.S, and by Jules Cambon,Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleniopentiary of the Repulbic of france at Washington. It is said in the protocol that hostilities between the two shall be suspended, and notice that each effect shall be given as possilble by each Government to the commanders of its military and naval forces. -
Treaty of Paris
October 1, 1898, Spain and U.S met to end the war after six months of hostilities. Although, the conference discussed Cuba and debt questions, the major conflict concerned situation of the Phillipines. Admiral Dewey's victory had come as a great suprise, and it marked the entrance of the U.S into the pacific. U.S paid Spain twenty million for possesion of the Phillipines. The islands of Puerto Rice and Guam were placed under american control.Treaty signed on December 10,1898. -
Ratification of the Treaty of Paris
The treaty required a ratification of atleast a two thirds majority of the U.S senate.The debate regarding the ratification of the treaty polarized the State on imperalism and nation's future role in Cuba and the Phillipines.The Treaty of Paris was ratified by the Senate in a 57-27 vote.Under terms of the treat, U.S gained possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico,Guam and for twenty million, the Phillipines -
Treaty of Paris ratified
The U.S imerged as an imperial power.As the U.S had gained possesion over Cuba, the U.S could never keep it without reneging on the Teller Amendment or release the island without abandoning it to the revolutionary aims of the Cuban insurgency. In June, 1901, Cuba succumbed to U.S pressure and accepted the Platt Amendment, which secured the right of American intervention. It restricted Cubas conduct or foreign affairs. Gave U.S naval base at Guantanamo Bay. -
McKinley inaugurated for the 2nd term
McKinley urged Congress to appoint the U.S industrial Commission of 1899-1902 to invetigate corruption and greed in railroad-pricing policy, Indutrial monopolies and the impact of immigration on labor marks. -
Aguinaldo captured by U.S troops
Phillipine revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by the U.S troops during the Phillipine War. After joining the U.S side of the war against Spain, he and the Phillipines had faced another war with an imperialist power--The U.S.On Feburary 4,1899, the Phillipine republic declared war on the U.S. Two years later he was captured by the U.S. For the rest of his life, he wore a black bow in public for the mourn of his lost republic.July 4, 1946, U.S granted Phillipines its indepoendence -
President McKinley Assasinated
McKinley was shot while on a speaking tour in Buffalo, New York. A publish born anarchist named Leon Czolgosz shot the president twice. One bullet bounced off a button and the other his McKinley in the stomach. Eight days later he died of infection and and gangrene. After his death, Roosevelt assumed the presidency. Leo Czolgosz was later executed for assasination.