War time after time

  • Period: to

    Interesting facts about Mussolini

    -His complete name is Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini.
    -Ha was violent since he was a child, one time he cut the face ofa child with a knife. -He was the number 3 at the Socialist Party and then, change and started to promoted the fascism. -In April 1945, he tried to escape to Switzerland, but was captured and shot near Lake Como by Communist partisans. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKUd3Y0GoV8
    More information:https://outlook.office.com/owa/?realm=cear.es&exsvurl=1&ll-cc=3082&modu
  • The beginning of the Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936. Why? This war, started when Generals Emilio Mola and Francisco Franco that were far away from the peninsula started an uprising to overthrow the democratically elected Republic and imposed there ideology, and take out the comunist from the power.
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTpjszeKXLw
    More information:https://www.muyhistoria.es/curiosidades/preguntas-respuestas/icomo-empezo-la-guerra-civil-espanola
  • End of the Spanish Civil War

    Ending almost three years of conflict, the civil war between the republican side and the revolted side (formed by the Spanish Falange and other conservative groups), ended on April 1, 1939 with the victory of the national side with General Francisco Franco to the head. The dictatorship of Franco will start with this victory.
  • Begginig of Fraquismo

    The end of the Franquism, started with the victory on the Spanish Civil War. He proclaimed a dictatorship with this characteristics.
    Unique match.
    Union corporatism.
    Control of the media.
    Influence on families.
    Worship to the Caudillo.
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4-zXW87zTQ
    More information:https://www.google.com/search?q=franquismo+video&oq=franquismo&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j46j0l4j69i61.3472j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  • The beginning of the Second War World

    The beginning of the Second War World was caused, when Germany invaded Poland, and after this, France and Great Britain united their forces an declared the war to Germany. Meanwhile, Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact to prevent the USSR from joining the forces with France and Great Britain and fight against Germany. For more information: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segunda_Guerra_Mundial.
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xK62uVtVbg
  • Countries involved in the World War II

    What countries fought in World War II? They were 2 different sides. The Allied powers commanded by the United Kingdom, France, the USA and the Soviet Union and later, Canada, Australia and New Zealand united this side against Germany. And axis powers led by Germany, Italy and the Empire of Japan. For more information: https://www.guerratotal.com/bandos-la-segunda-guerra-mundial/
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxFGq7FHsAo
  • End of the Second World War

    The Day of Victory in Europe is called May 8, 1945, the date on which Adolf Hitler's suicide in the Chancery bunker during the battle of Berlin - signed his unconditional surrender, thus ending World War II. The consequencees were debastating, more that 50 million people died in the war.
    More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_World_War_II_in_Europe
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    Days of atomic bombing in Japan

    They were nuclear attacks ordered by the President of the United States, against the Empire of Japan. The nuclear weapon was dropped on Hiroshima on Monday, August 6, 1945, followed by the detonation of another bomb on Thursday, August 9, on Nagasaki. To date, these bombings are the only nuclear attacks in history.
    More information: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardeos_at%C3%B3micos_de_Hiroshima_y_Nagasaki.
  • End of Franquismo

    The dictatorship ended in 1975, after Franco's death. From 1939 to 1975, the Franquism governed Spain, but with the heart failure of Franco, the dictatorship finished and Spain became free.
    More information:https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Franco
  • Period: to

    Information about Hitler´s figure

    Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, and became its leader in 1921.He was sentenced to five years in prison thanks to a failed coup d'état. There, he wrote the first part of his book My fight in which he exposes his ideology. He was released eight months later, in 1924, Hitler continued growing in popularity and support, mainly thanks of his oral skills and Nazi propaganda.
    The rest, is just history.
  • Why did the War in Syria started?

    The conflict, which started the war at Syria, is the pacefully try of changea a president but then, has been taking a different course. What started as a demonstration in Syria against the Bashar al Assad regime takes more than seven years. He went from protest to civil war and transnational war.
    October 2019 marked a turning point in the Syrian war when Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Daesh, was decommissioned in a US operation in Idlib.
    More information :https://www.france24.com/es/20200